My City March 2023
What was your very first job ? I was a sales associate at The
What is one of your pet peeves ? When someone cuts off one of my favorite songs right in the middle of the best part! Truly grinds my gears. They ' re making an action figure of you – what two accessories does it come with ? This is such a hilarious question ... Hmm, okay, it would come with an invisible cloak and a shield. How would your friends describe you ? They would say I am outgoing, positive, optimistic, adven ture-seeking and really serious about the well-being of my family and friends. I'm definitely the person they call when they want to try something new or need logical advice. I'm also the person they see calling them at 7am just to say “hello” and to see how they're doing before they start their day. 5 4
What would we hear you sing at Karaoke Night ? I absolutely love karaoke – it's one of my favorite activities! I usually warm up with Bon Jovi's “Living on a Prayer” then return to the mic with Lit's “My Own Worst Enemy” and then end the evening with SWV's “Weak.” I'm also well known to grab a mic and sing backup for anyone who doesn't want to sing alone. What is the best thing about your job at MCC ? As Chief of Staff, every single day is unique and I love it. Some days, I am chatting with students on their way to class. On other days, I am helping prospective students connect with the right person to start (or re-enter) their education al journey. Whether it's a special project or initiative, my role always connects back to student success and being an anchor institution for the community. Mott Community College is a pretty special place and I'm glad to be a part of the team! 7
Buckle in the Genesee Valley mall. I had to have been about 16 years old and was so excited! I'm pretty sure I purchased about 50 pairs of jeans while I worked there. It was a fun first job that taught me a lot. Everything was centered around customer service and service excellence. I still use the same social and customer service skills I developed while working there to this day.
What is your favorite sport to watch or play ?
My favorite sport to play is volley ball. I played a little in middle and high school. It's such a fun and fast-paced game and there is no denying the excitement of nailing a good spike or digging an oppo nent's spike. My favorite sport to watch is anything my daughter competes in. I never thought I would be a cross-country fan, but I will brave the rainy fall weather to see her run any day!
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