My City June 2022
Olivia Dirkse
Class of 2022 Sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Track Olivia brings to all of her activities energy, enthusiasm, commitment and a drive to excel like no other, while also carrying a 4.069 GPA. She always seems to be looking for ways to better herself, her teammates and help others, within
Isaac Norton Class of 2022 Sports: Foot ball, Wrestling, Lacrosse Isaac has been a ne example of sportsman ship, leadership and citizenship. is is a great indication as
to the kind of young man he has grown to become as an all-around student athlete and member of Davison. He has been a hardworking, “nose to the grindstone”multi sport student athlete in the football, wrestling and lacrosse programs, showing that hard work, dedication and per severance truly pay o. He has represented the Cardinals and DavisonMade in a positive and respectful manner. rough it all, Isaac was always the student athlete who would take a backseat to the “spotlight” and would rather shine on the eld or on the mat, helping his team succeed in any way he can. is helped him be a part of three State Championships: football in 2019 and wrestling in 2021 and 2022. Isaac approaches everything he does, whether in the classroom or on the playing eld, with the same high intensity, passion and enthusiasm. He is everyone’s favor ite teammate and friend because they know he would do anything to make the team successful! Isaac demonstrated all of the great attributes of a student athlete; not for his own ego, but because it is part of his moral character and philosophy in life. is is an attribute that results from having great parents who have ingrained in him what it means to be a great young man and member of a team. Outside of school, Isaac coached youth football and la crosse for Davison Community Enrichment & Recreation. He recently signed to play lacrosse at Montana Uni versity and will study Business and Law.
as well as outside the community. Olivia has built great relationships around the school with all, which has helped in the many dierent groups she has been a part of including the LINKS program and National Honor Society. She has excelled on the playing eld/court as a four-year Varsity All-League Volleyball player, four year Varsity All-League Basketball player and four-year Varsity Track & Field runner. She has helped her team mates win championships in all three sports. Olivia also volunteers with many service programs such as the Special Olympics, Eastside Mission in Flint and coaching youth athletes, just to name a few. With dedication and resiliency, along with her positive attitude and great moral character, Olivia has become a successful multi-sport athlete, outstanding
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student and an excel lent model for other students and athletes. Olivia will attend Olivet Nazarene University to play basketball and study Occupational erapy or Special Education.
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