My City June 2022
7 Questions with ...
1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was in kin dergarten, I distinctly re member wanting to be a doctor! I even remember dressing up as one for career day. at dream changed in middle school after I visited the Univer sity of Michigan in Ann Arbor with a friend. (Her parents were alumni.) If you have seen the U of M law campus, then you know: it’s gorgeous. I fell in love and decided at that moment I was going to be an attorney. My parents thought this was a great choice, as I loved to argue with them! 2. What/where was your very first job? At 16, I started work ing at Village Green Landscaping and Nursery in Findlay, OH loading mulch and stone for cus tomers. I would unload delivery trucks and plant trees in the nursery. I had the best “farmer’s tan!” 3. You have twin 14-year old boys; do they keep you pretty busy? Last summer, one of the twins achieved his
black belt rank in martial arts. He has been a ded icated martial artist for four years. While many kids do not progress to black belt, he persevered with determination and grit. e other twin loves soccer and in sixth grade was asked to compete on a premier league soccer team that traveled through the northeast. I have a great picture of him playing right striker in NYC with One World Tower in the background. 4. What are you currently most excited about in your life? is changes often and usually revolves around my children. Currently, I am excited for my oldest son Bryce, who is
attending Saint Louis University studying Flight Science Engineering – he has dreamed of being a pi lot since he was little. As a toddler, he loved GeoTrax and always gravitated to ward the airport/airplane. As he grew, I remember him playing t-ball and being in the outeld looking up at the sky and pointing at airplanes …as the ball rolled past him. In fact, as I am answering these questions, using the incredible technology we have today, I can track his plane as he ies and lis ten to him interact with air trac control. Seeing him live out his dream is incredibly exciting.
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