My City June 2021

M ichigan Trout local chapters and over 8,000 individ uals of the national TU organization. “Our purpose is to conserve, protect and restore our local cold-water fish eries and watersheds,” adds Henley. “Through education, river clean-ups, stream improvements and the joy of fishing, we hope to make an impact.” A cold-water fishery can be loosely defined as waters that support, on a year-round basis, wild and stocked brook trout.The water temperature of a cold water fishery falls anywhere between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. “Seventy degrees is too warm for trout,” adds Henley. “The warmer the water, the less oxygen it has and these hot summers have started a warming trend. For ex ample, in Genesee County, Kearsley and Thread Creeks are considered cold-water fisheries whereas the Flint River is not.” Unlimited is the coordination and representation of 20


CAF chapter members are con tinually active, working at water clean-ups and projects both locally and throughout the state. If Michigan Trout Unlimited puts out the call, CAF members are quick to answer. “I know there is a big project on the Manistee River that is looking for

help,” adds Henley. In the meantime, CAF members work to educate young and old alike about the importance of our waterways and spend their time fishing and teaching the sport. Since the pandemic began, a lot of their plans have been put on hold but now, CAF members are getting back into



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