My City January 2023

Golf Champion Kate Brody

career,” she said. “I had an amazing coach (Glen Bauer) and an amazing team every year.” Brody will continue her golf career at the University of Wisconsin. “If I still have a passion for the game after college, I would love to take after my mom and continue playing for a living.”

County champion ship. In between high school competitions, she squeezed in winning the Golf Association of Michigan (GAM) Junior Invitational by four strokes, firing 137 for two rounds. “I feel like I accomplished every thing I could have hoped for in my high school

The final season of Golf Champion Kate Brody’s career at Grand Blanc High School was her finest. She won nine of ten tourna ments and shot a pair of 65s, one of which won her a second regional championship. She also collected a fourth league title and third Genesee

Home at Last The "New" McCree Theatre

The "New" McCreeTheatre has finally found a permanent home at 4601 Clio Rd., opening to the public in September 2021. Founded in 1970, the “old”McCreeTheatre was born from the Genesee County Model Cities Program and named after Flint’s first African American Mayor, Floyd McCree.The original concept ran in Flint until 1989. In 2004, the “New” McCreeTheatre opened with the same commitment to excel lence and with the new mission “to tell the African American Story in the African American Voice.” Since its rebirth, there was just one constant, nagging problem – the theatre never really had a home. Instead, shows were opened in a multitude of places.When a church located on Clio Road went on the market, Executive Director Charles Winfrey jumped at the chance.The theatre provides another outlet for Flint’s vibrant performing arts scene and in their new home, their offerings can reach a new level. “Try it,”Winfrey said. “Theatre is for everybody. Come and see what we do.”

Flint Institute of Music Spectacular Party Immediately follow ing the Flint Symphony Orchestra’s BCO Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald Concert, FIM wrapped up a month long celebration of a new, expanded FIM to raise funds for the new KidsTix program, which allows Flint-area youth the chance

to experience the power of live performing arts with free admission to shows at FIM’s Capitol Theatre, Whiting Auditorium, Elgood Theatre and MacArthur Recital Hall. Guests enjoyed food and drinks, dancing to celebrity playlists, prize drawings, a silent auction and raffle.


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