My City January 2023

to 100 units). Every day, approximate ly 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed – a tall order indeed. Blood and platelets cannot be made by science and can only come from donation, so it’s up to us to get it done. To set up an appointment to do your part, visit How it Works Before they are allowed to give blood, donors must meet requirements. They must be between the ages of 17 and 65, weigh at least 110 lbs., be in good health and feeling well. A whole blood donation can be given every 56 days, up to six times per year. (Health requirements differ depending upon the type of donation.) After all requirements are met, the next step is to find a blood drive or donation location. In Greater Flint, the Flint Blood Donation Center, located at 1401 S. Grand Traverse in Flint has multiple appointments open for nearly every day of the month. Find the best open hour or two in the entire month and schedule an appointment. Make it a point. It’s important. While setting your appointment, you will choose which type of donation to make. Will you give whole blood, platelets, plasma, or “power red”? donation, whole blood can be used in its original form or separated into three donations of red blood cells, platelets and plasma.This donation is ideal for all blood types. It takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks to replace the donated red blood cells in the bloodstream. Whole Blood Donation The most common and flexible

Plasma Donation Plasma is used to treat patients in emergency situations and is extreme ly important. Because the AB blood type yields plasma that can be safely combined with any blood type, this do nation is best for those with AB blood type.The donation can take just over an hour to complete.The ideal blood types for plasma donation are AB (+ and -). It takes just over 24-hrs to replace the plasma donated. Once your appointment has been set and your donation made, it’s time to sit back and relax. Congratulate yourself on a job well done and start planning your next donation! The more you give, the more lives you can save.

Power Red Donation With this type of donation, you give a concentrated dose of red blood cells while retaining your platelets and plasma.The duration of time for the donation is minimally increased but with that extra donation, you can make a difference for trauma patients, newborns and those suffering from sickle cell disease.The ideal blood types for a power red donation are O (+ and -), A- and B-. Platelet Donation Platelets are cells in the blood stream that form clots and stop bleeding.They are needed mainly by cancer patients and others facing life-threatening illness and trauma. A single platelet donation yields the equivalent of five whole blood donations! Platelets are collected at donation centers only and not outside blood drives.This donation can take up to three hours for full unit collec tion.The ideal blood types for platelet donation are A (+ and -), B+, O+, and AB (+ and -).


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