My City January 2023
CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SENIOR MALNUTRITION Malnutrition is the deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, protein discrepancy, or reduced nutrient utili zation. It causes mental health issues, lack of social interactions, digestive disorders and stomach conditions. Moreover, it also weakens the im mune system which can increase the risk of infections. Malnutrition also has a devastating effect on bone mass and causes muscle weakness, which can lead to falls and fractures. People of advanced age are at in creased risk for diseases and are most likely to be at nutritional risk, as well. However, the cause of malnutrition is complex and multifactorial and mal nutrition in the elderly is also trig gered by aging processes and certain chronic conditions put them at high er risk. Cancer, diabetes and other conditions can impact appetite, make eating difficult, change metabolism and necessitate dietary restrictions. Disturbingly, the increased healthcare costs in the U.S. for disease-associ ated malnutrition in older adults is more than $51 billion each year. One study shows that over 65 percent of older adults are hospitalized due to malnutrition and about 16 percent of older Americans consume fewer than 1,000 calories per day. QUALITY IS KEY It is a sad reality: having a pizza or burger delivered to your home is easier and faster than getting an ambulance in a medical emergency. We know that the majority of fast food and soft
drinks contain high amounts of refined flour, sugar and artificial chemicals; they also lose many useful nutrients during processing and their nutritional value is typically low. Even with the knowledge that easy access to unhealthy food can be fatal, we do not pay any heed to it. Junk food may be cheaper, but we are getting it at the expense of our health. In the fight against malnutrition, aware ness is essential to prevail. Nutritional supplements – pills or powders – are generally considered as vital to mitigating malnutrition. However, supplements make a lot of claims and medical researchers have yet to prove their effectiveness. Instead, seniors need to consume a healthy and balanced diet. The best way to get the most energy from food is to make sure it is the best MUST-EAT FOODS FOR SENIORS
food possible. Fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables provide us with every protein and energy we need, as well as antioxidants that prevent diseases. The vitamin C content in fresh fruits and vegetables is higher and can reduce the risk of many infections caused by the preservatives used in canned and processed food. Leaner meats like chicken, turkey and fish provide quality protein but contain less saturated fat. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can add beneficial heart-healthy fats to the
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