My City January 2023
Continued from pg. 52
“When I am interviewing someone,”Vedant explains, “I always try to ask a unique question – something the person doesn’t always hear that is of interest to my audience. I also try to make it fun.My father always says if I didn’t make them smile, then I didn’t do a good interview.”One of Vedant’s signature tac tics is to “flip” the interview and allow the subject to ask the questions, which makes for some extremely amusing interactions. After all this experience with a microphone, some may be surprised to find out that Vedant doesn’t have any future plans to become a journalist or correspondent. “He would like to become an entrepreneur,” says Vipul. “It makes me proud to see how he is building his brand and the business side of Global Kid Media.”Vedant is looking at business schools around the country to attend after he graduates from Grand Blanc High School. “With Global Kid Media, we were able to build more than 50 partnerships with businesses around the country and it’s something that I enjoyed doing,”Ve dant adds. A member of the Grand Blanc varsity basketball and football teams, he also hopes to continue with a future in sports, if possible. As far as Global Kid Media is concerned, he wants to turn it into something bigger. “I would like to get other kids involved in it,”he remarks. “I want it to be a platform for kids to take the next step.Maybe an eight-year-old can have his own art show or an 11-year-old can host his own cooking show. I’m not sure what it will be in the next couple of years, but I do know that I want it to continue and evolve.” His experiences in media over the past five years has taught Vedant the skills of perseverance, ingenuity, management and branding. It has instilled in him the confidence and belief in himself to make a difference in the world. It has also given him a lifetime of stories that he has been busy compiling for a book, currently untitled, that is due to be released in the near future. The mission of Global Kid Media was to prove that kids can follow their dreams and achieve anything they put their minds to and work for. “I’m a normal kid and not special in any way,” explains Vedant. “My main advice is to start. Just do it! Sometimes, we think too much when instead, we just need to set a goal and start working towards it. Do the work now while you have the time and opportunities will come running at you.” u Don’t miss a single interview! Visit, Like and Sub scribe to the Global Kid Media YouTube Channel and Follow Globalkidme dia on Instagram for the most up-to-date interviews and information. In their quest to provide the very best media coverage for kids, Global Kid Media is also looking for media coverage sponsors and business part ners. If you support the message and are interested in what Global Kid Me dia has to offer, visit for more information and please click on the “Contact” tab to fill out the form. Vedant Gupta is waiting to work with you!
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