My City February 2022

decisions about how to coordinate and optimize the various aspects of his treatment plan, such as diabetic medication and nutrition, as he made progress. e Medical Weight Loss program at the Hurley Bariatric Center is designed to be a 12-week plan, customized to the medical needs of the individual, but it’s also meant to educate the patient so they can maintain their success beyond completion of the program. is approach extends to all of the various services o ered at the Center, which include di erent surgical and non-surgical options. Before surgery, the bariatric professionals help patients choose the right type of surgery for their situation. Following surgery, the sta continues to monitor progress while o ering support, such as nutrition and exercise counseling, to help patients have a sustainable weight loss outcome. is ongoing approach is something that Victor values, even after ƒnding rapid success. He began Hurley’s Medical Weight Loss Program in March 2021 and by June 2021, his lab results showed tremendous improvement in his liver enzyme levels and A1C, the measurement for diabetes. By September, he had healthy liver enzymes of 52 and a pre- diabetic A1C level. He had lost a signiƒcant amount of weight too; but for Victor, these lab results were the numbers that meant success and better health. Since June 2021, he’s received continued support from the team at Hurley Bariatric Center and his personal physicians continue to monitor his labs and progress. Beyond the numbers in his lab results, Victor has seen even more changes, as he no longer feels exhausted all the time and is able to use his renewed energy while playing with his children. ® The Hurley Bariatric Center is located at 6140 Rashelle Dr., Flint 48507 and can be reached at 810.262.2330 or by going to The team also offers seminars that cover bariatric surgery and medical weight loss options. Sign up to attend a seminar, either online or in person, at: attend-a-seminar/


In late 2020,Victor Verazain, 46, was facing a lot of life challenges and stressors.His weight had climbed higher tha it ever had before and he felt exhausted.A visit to his primary care physician revealed there was something more going on than weight gain. Routine blood work showed his ALT liver enzymes were well over 300, when the normal range is 7 to 56.A liver biopsy conƒrmed non-alcoholic fatty liver, the danger of liver disease and eventual liver failure.After getting those results and discussing what they meant with his physician,Victor knew he needed to make changes.He also knew he needed a medically sound plan to see the long-lasting results in his blood work that he needed in order to correct his health problems. It was more than the numbers on the scale,Victor explained, “What I needed was something more comprehensive,medically, that had the leverage of a true hospital.” After researching various options, Victor decided on Hurley’s Celebrate Path to Success Medical Weight Loss program at the Hurley Bariatric Center. He decided this program, with a non- surgical approach, was the right choice for him. It allowed him to work with a multidisciplinary team that could help address his concerns related to his liver health, diabetes and cholesterol levels while educating him about the lifestyle and nutritional changes he would need to make to achieve and sustain long-term health. Another beneƒt of the Hurley Bariatric Center was their seamless communication and collaboration with his primary and internal medicine physicians. “Hurley was able to work with my physicians, even though they were outside of the Hurley hospital network,”Victor said. is communication allowed for his monthly lab results to be shared as they were completed, so his doctors were updated in real time and could make informed V…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ SŒ††Ž‹‹ HŒ‰‘Ž’ B“‰…“‡‰…† CŽ”‡Ž‰ BY JASON HARROD

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