My City December 2022
“We have been involved with Whaley Children’s Center for over 20 years. We feel it takes a community to help raise these kids right and I am honored to be a part of that community. Everyone should do their part to support this cause. I work very hard to ensure the an nual golf outing and Roofsit event are successful and I strongly encourage others to do so, as well.” Mike Meythaler, Client Financial Services
instrumental in helping to create a safer campus for the youth, staff, volunteers and visitors,
with the youth at Whaley,” says Major William Lanning, Genesee County Sheriff ’s Department. “Yes, we are there for the obvious reason – to help them understand that law enforcement are the good guys, the ones making arrests and the ones they can call for help. But, we are also there to support the youth who never asked to be in foster care, who didn’t deserve to be abused and who need us.We knew how much they needed us when we started our partner ship; what we didn’t know is how much we needed them .” Other Positive Changes Playground Because of the overwhelming support generated by Whaley’s Tux & Tennies event, the Center is replacing its 20-plus-year-old playground and creat ing an up-to-date outdoor wellness/ac tivity space catering to older youth and providing an overall positive physical activity environment.
Carls Foundation,Williams reports. All donations are now received, sorted and disbursed through the warehouse.This is also where they house and repurpose items donated to be sold at Reclaimed by Whaley in Downtown Flint. “I can’t wait to have the space to spread out a little!” exclaims Ashleigh Sanders,Whaley’s Director of Community Development, “but more importantly, to be able to create more fun items for Reclaimed with our youth and volunteers.” Trauma Informed Campus Project Charles Stewart Mott Foundation granted $100,000 to support Whaley’s Trauma Informed Campus Project.The project’s purpose is to create a trau ma-informed design throughout campus that is more conducive to meeting the challenges of the Center’s higher-needs population.The focus will be on the fam ily game room with the addition of fresh paint, new flooring, new furniture with warm colors and natural light. “The space needs to make our children feel safe, valued and supported,” says Williams.
Williams reports. “The safety of the Center is a priority for all of us,” states Whaley Board Chair, Nadeem Gebrael. “We are grateful for the partnership we have with the Gene see County Sheriff ’s Department.” The Center has updated its emergen cy management protocols, redesigned the exterior lighting, upgraded the camera system and completed ALICETraining® (Active Shooter Preparedness). “Our residents have typically only interacted with law enforcement during scary times in their lives,”Williams shares. “We are very thankful for the partnership we have with the Genesee County Sheriff ’s Department.They show up to ensure our kids know that law enforcement officers are safe – they are allies and here to help. At the end of the school year, they stop by to celebrate with our kids.” “Most people understand that we work tirelessly each day to keep our community safe.What you may not know is we have the unique opportunity to spend time and build relationships
Donation & Workforce Development Center
An onsite Donation and Work force Development Center has been made possible by a grant throughThe
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