My City August 2022

Our Youth classes are held from 5:45-8pm, ve days a week. is year’s skilled trade focus includes:

include building a wish ing well, a trellis and a †ower box. On Wednes days, the participants cook their own food under the direction of an executive chef. Youth ages 13-17 are working on remodeling two hous es. e project involves installing windows, sid ing, dry wall, electrical, plumbing and cabinetry. From October-April, ABC also oŒers weekly tutoring sessions for youth ages 7-17 in the homework room at Jachin Baptist Church. “We focus on whatev er subject the student is struggling with,” says Watkins. College students, teachers and professionals volunteer to help the students. Something very ex citing is in the works for the ABC organization. ey purchased property on Branch Road, which was an old mobile home community. 

electrical, plumbing, car pentry and culinary arts; character skills such as honesty, forgiveness, respect and compas sion. Classes are taught by volunteers who are licensed in their trades including electricians, carpenters, plumbers and those skilled in the culinary arts. According to Wat kins, an important part of the program is a manda tory parent meeting. “We let parents know what our expectations are for their youth,” he explains, “and we let them know what they can expect from us.” e partici pating youths must also sign a document agree ing to the expectations.

Above: Young program participants are taught carpentry skills. Below: This year, youth ages 7-12 were tasked with building a wishing well.

“We have had great success with this.”

is year, the projects

for youth ages 7-12


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