My City August 2021
“It’s important to get a fresh perspec tive and to take an outside view of the city,” he says. “People shouldn’t be afraid to get out. Find what you are good at and use that to take an outside opportu nity. Get a more global viewpoint.Think about the people. Find fresh ideas and then, bring them back to better help Flint.” Since he has left, Thigpen is heartened by the changes he has seen in the city but also knows that there is still a long way to go. “I love seeing the growth. I can see and hear life happen ing on the corners. Music and laughter. The music scene is strong and the murals are great; but I feel like we still need to highlight visual artists more,” he contin ues. “I feel that we need to move some of
also don’t want to miss out on the impact my art could have. I have to fight that. It would be doing the art form a disservice if I didn’t. As I get older, I fear being obsolete and my advice to today’s young artists is to take as many chances as you can now.” Thigpen is proud of all he has accom plished but continues to search out every opportunity to make an impact. A suc cessful graphic designer and entrepreneur, he fills his art with motion, heart and spirit. Each piece is handcrafted by a man driven by talent, a deep love for his family and a for city struggling toward rebirth. “I live in Detroit, but I’m still attached to Flint. My mother used to say ‘never take care of somewhere else before taking care of your own’ and that stuck with me,” he adds. “God placed me in Flint and I have a responsibility to it. We all do.” x
Svitlana /
the focus and events outside of down town, if possible.”Thigpen would also like to see more entrepreneurial spirit from youth and more opportunities tailored to young persons of color – opportuni ties he wishes he had in his early years.
Today,Thigpen is continuing his artis tic journey but feels he is more restrained. “The older I get, the more calculated I am,” he says. “I’m a father now. I can’t be selfish. It does affect my creativity – not going to lie. I don’t want to risk as much, but I
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