My City August 2021
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an astronaut because I grew up in the ‘60s during the time of the Apollo missions. However, a significant vision impairment made that impossible. I can’t drive a car, so I doubt they would have let me fly! What was your very first job? I worked for my grandfather in his canvas shop making boat covers, awnings and repairing tents. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? I ate kudu in Zimbabwe – it was excellent and not at all unusual there. What’s one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year? I hope to increase student success at Kettering University.
What are your hobbies? All kinds of cooking, especially in the wood fired bread oven we built with split stones from our property. And worldwide travel with my husband to remote places. Namibia, Zimbabwe and tent camping north of the Arctic Circle are just some of our adventures. What is one of your pet peeves? People who are impolite or unprepared What do you enjoy most about your career? I like to feel that my contributions to Kettering University make a difference.
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