My City August 2021
“Our curriculum has to shift WR UHˌHFW WKH UHDOLWLHV RI WKH technologies that are go ing to be foundational in the future. So, the University has to reevaluate what it’s doing and how it’s doing it; what the curricula are, what cur ricula we need to add, what curricula we need to eliminate or rethink. And then, we need to act. All of these things are part of grand revisioning of what it takes to be the best at educating great leaders and innovators – something we are known for the world over.” Dr. Robert McMahan, President This combines math and communica tions to show how the subjects can work together to address topics including cli mate change, human trafficking, elections and voting, and racial justice utilizing math modeling, statistics and data. Esports Scholarship for Fall 2021 Kettering’s new – and only official – varsity sport, esports – celebrated its first year since launching in January 2020 with one of the state’s largest ros ters and the April 2021 announcement of a scholarship for incoming students ($4,000/annually, renewable). As of July 2021, two students are already re ceiving scholarships for Summer Term and more will be eligible/available. p Math for Social Justice Elective (Fall 2021)
from alumni and community donors. Not funded in any way by the stu dents, it is FOR the students.
Careers BSE students could focus on are multidisciplinary.They may work in intelligent manufacturing or apply their mechatronics or robotics skills toward mobility, healthcare, energy or communication.The program provides a foundation in computer, electrical, industrial and mechanical engineer ing principles. After completing the foundational courses, students can choose concentrations in Manufactur ing Systems, Mechatronics Systems or Robotic Systems. Concentrations in cluding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence will be added in the future, as new needs are identified.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE)
In a direct response to emerging industries’ need for engineers who can innovate and work across traditional discipline boundaries, this new multi disciplinary engineering program com bines elements of mechanical engineer ing, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and computer science.
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