Million Air Winter 2021
etr li at ve eler WINTER 2021/22 123
PRIVATE JET SERVICES GROUP MAKING SUSTAINABILITY SING AND SCORE New Hampshire-based Private Jet Services Group is helping keep your favorite sports teams, rock bands and politicians carbon neutral when they go on the road. Since 2019, the broker has been offsetting 100% of the company’s flights’ carbon emissions. PJS Group, as it is often referred to, flies 13 National Hockey League teams and winners of 65 American Music Awards, 85 Billboard Music Awards and 139 Grammys. While the company doesn’t comment, published reports have linked it to tours by Lady Gaga, U2, The Rolling Stones, Maroon 5, Fleetwood Mac and Beyoncé. PJS specializes in political campaigns as well as IPO roadshows. Its commitment includes planting nearly 80,000 trees per year. The company targets areas in the Northern Rockies and the Cascades suffering from heavy loss of pine trees following climate-induced forest fires and pest infestation. It is also planting trees along rivers and streams in the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont to protect and restore surface waters there, and to help curb water pollution from farms that degrade the lake with algal blooms and high levels of pathogens. Greg Raiff, CEO and founder of PJS, says, “As we know, in today’s world, travel is a necessity and a contributor to these emissions, but private aviation companies can help.” Even if you aren’t going on tour or playing in an away game, you can still fly like a pro. PJS offers a jet card program with fixed rates and guaranteed availability that includes transatlantic flights.
NEED TO KNOW NetJets has taken a stake in a new company that will make sustainable aviation fuel from refuse landfills
In the 1970s, there was a famous television ad for investment services with the tagline, ‘When EF Hutton talks, people listen.’ In private aviation, NetJets offers a similar voice. The company is putting the might of being the world’s biggest private jet provider and a unit of Fortune 10 Berkshire Hathaway behind its efforts to commit to sustainability by announcing a Global Sustainability Program. NetJets consolidated its disparate programs under a single umbrella and for the first time began publishing the cost to offset flights, which it allows to be done per contract, per trip or even by the hour. It now includes carbon offset options in all proposals to potential customers. The company also offsets all administrative and training offices as well as its corporate offices. The company was the launch customer of sustainable aviation fuel for Signature Flight Support in San Francisco. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80%. That was followed up with a commitment to purchase 100 million gallons of sustainable fuel fromWasteFuel. NetJets is also making a ‘significant’ investment in the start-up, which transforms landfill waste. In the US, in the first six months, NetJets recorded a 61% increase of customers making offsets, flew over 750,000 nautical miles with SAF, and offset 38,543 metric tons of CO2. NetJets Europe has been carbon neutral since 2012. Brad Ferrell, executive vice president of administrative services, says NetJets’ efforts align with its famous parent’s commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals, calling it “a source of pride and passion.”
NEED TO KNOW PJS Group is offsetting emissions for all flights, including its charters for pro sports teams and live entertainment tours
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