Million Air Spring 2024


Think of safari and you likely think of searching for the Big Five in Africa. But for a di ff erent take, head to Borneo. The third-largest island in the world, it is home to splendid beaches and ancient, biodiverse rain forests where a diverse array of wildlife — including orangutans and clouded leopards — reside. This expert-led, 10-day expedition by Natural World Safaris takes enthusiasts into the rain forests guided by Charles Ryan, a renowned wildlife photographer whose work has graced the pagesof National Geographic ; he has also appeared in programs on BBC and Net fl ix. Visit the Sepilok Forest Reserve where captive orangutans are reintroduced into the wild — observe them at their feeding stations in the rain forest and snap a few close-ups. The Kinabatangan River is home to one of the highest concentrations of wildlife on the island; cruise at dusk to look for orangutans, pygmy elephants, silvered langurs, hornbills and proboscis monkeys. A short boat ride and overland transfer delivers you to Gomantong Caves, where you’ll spend the afternoon walking in the reserve and visiting the bat cave — on a clear day, millions of bats can emerge from it. From $9,240 per person. Contact Will Bolsover, founder and CEO,, +44 127 369 1642,

Photos Charles Ryan, Tiberio Sorvillo, Lech Zürs Tourismus/Sepp Mallaun

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