Million Air Spring 2023
While the allure of any safari is seeing the Big Five, there’s another, perhaps less experienced fi ve to consider — the little fi ve. Cottar’s Safaris in Kenya has designed a four-night entomology safari speci fi cally geared towards younger enthusiasts. In addition to the typical game drives, you will be led by Cottar’s in-house conservation expert, Douglas Nagi, to uncover this new safari experience. Young guests will receive a junior entomology kit and will head on bush walks to spot the ‘little fi ve’; learn about the local fl ora and fauna as well as the medicinal value of local plants with Letilet, Cottar’s in-house Maasai hunter-gatherer; help to set butter fl y nets to draw and identify specimens before releasing them back into the wild; and track down the ever-popular dung beetle. Kids can also spend an afternoon at the Maasai Warrior School to learn traditional skills such as fi re making, spear throwing, Maasai archery (including making their own bows and arrows) and Maasai customs. As the sun sets, the young explorers can spend the evening toasting marshmallows, stargazing and listening for the mighty roar of lions. From $11,350 for a family of four. Contact Elizabeth Kamau, bookings and reservations coordinator,, +254 733 773 377,
Photos Cottar’s Safari Kenya, Valorie Darling Photography, Karin Spijker
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