Million Air Spring 2023
While the evenings always included an excellent sit-down dinner with world-class chefs preparing the meals, one can’t help but think about the fact that 20 people paid for this grueling experience to see if they have what it takes
ocean if necessary (like the SEALs do on many a mission). There were moments when I was sure my all-terrain sneakers would fl yo ff my feet, and my helmet was crushed against the helicopter as we zigged and zagged through the air. Next, we deployed to the beach where a host of exercises in the sand and water ensued, including carrying the heavy rubber rigid in fl atable boats overhead while running and sitting in the ocean, linking arms while the waves crashed. While the evenings always included an excellent sit-down dinner with world-class chefs preparing the meals, one can’t help but think about the fact that 20 people paid for this grueling experience to see if they have what it takes. The bonds we formed together and with the ‘Cadre’ over those three days will live on, the moments engraved in our memories. Andon that fi nal day, we were humbled by the museum, fi lled as it is with items from cars to submersibles from the many incredible missions the Navy SEALs completed, its tribute to those who died, and its homage to those who continue the Navy SEALs ethos: “I will never quit... I will not fail.” Hooyah! by Roberta Naas Details on how to book a Panerai Xperience This particular Special Operations Xperience sold out with the sale of the 20 special-edition watches. However, the relationship between Panerai and the Navy SEALs is a multi-year adventure, so there may be similar Xperience watches coming in the future.
military uses to feed soldiers with limited food access. There were brie fi ngs and debrie fi ngs, all leading to the fi nal hostage rescue and extraction exercise, where the teams came together, studied maps, and used their recently acquired skills to save the hostages and get them to the helicopter extraction point. Following the hostage rescue event, on the following and fi nal day, we trekked to Fort Pierce to the impressive National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum, where everyone ran obstacle courses with wall climbing, belly runs and more. We then engaged in helicopter runs where we sat outside of the helicopter on metal rungs, ready to jump into the
point — all in less than 45 minutes. Snakes and gators were seen, sinkholes and water holes abounded (yes, someone fell in), someone fell ill and someone else was ‘lost’ beyond the allotted amount of time. Still, every one of the participants came out exhausted but exhilarated. Early morning pre-dawn physical training included being hosed down; lifting 40-pound bags of sand; doing countless push-ups, sit-ups and running exercises (sometimes carrying another person on your back); getting in and out of ice buckets; and more. Lunches were MREs — Meals, Ready to Eat — self-contained food in military pouches that, when water is added, heat the food. This is what the US
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