Midwest Tech 2016 Product Catalog
DRAGSTERS & RACERS CareerTech Ed / STEM 303010 27082 303012 38706 $46.90 Thermocut Styrofoam CutterWire Proxxon Replacement wire. 10/pkg. Stk. Mfr. Price 303011 28082 $27.00 Polystyrene Sheets ABS Sturdier than Styrofoam®, dense, lightweight expanded polystyrene foam is great for vehicle bodies, prototypes, intricate shapes, wings & more. Stk. Mfr. Size Qty. Price 543471 MWPS-1 11-1/2" x 23-1/2" x 1" 1 $3.00 543472 MWPS-1-1/2 11-1/2" x 23-1/2" x 1-1/2" 1 $4.95 543473 MWPS-2 11-1/2" x 23-1/2" x 2" 1 $6.90 Thermocut Styrofoam Cutter Proxxon For freehand cutting and construction in thick Styrofoam w/out crumbling. Stable frame w/piv- otal fixture at the top & extendable lower wire fixture. Shape wire as desired. Variable temperature control heats up in 1 second. 2-yr. mfr.’s warranty. Max cut 5-3/4"H. Throat 7.9". Wire temp. 300°-600°. 12V. Size 12-3/4"L x 6-3/4"W. Weight 1 lb. Includes 5 shapeable cutting wires (20 ga., 11.4"L) . Requires Micromot AC adapter, sold separately. Stk. Mfr. Price $75.20 Micromot ACAdapter Proxxon Stk. Mfr. Price
Dragster Launcher Kelvin Eliminates the need for CO2 cartridges. Easy-to-use launcher uses compressed air de- livered in equal amounts to launch dragsters. The 1- or 2-lane system launches vehicles safely & accurately. Ideal for teaching vehicle aerody- namics, mass ratios & speed ratios. Uses less
wood for body design & allows for multiple test launches. Requires portable air compressor, sold separately. Stk. Mfr. Size Qty./Pkg.
Portable Air Compressor For use w/Launcher Stk. Mfr. Size
291141 $133.00 Dragster Kits Each kit includes blank w/ pre-drilled hole, 4 wheels, 2 axles, 4 washers, 2 screw eyes & straw. Stk. Mfr. Size Qty./Pkg. Price 492191 840917 7-1/2"L 10 Kits $42.30 492192 840918 10"L 10 Kits $45.90 Dragster Blanks Wood blank without hole. Stk. Mfr. Size Qty./Pkg. Price 492165 390555 10"L 100 $169.00 492166 390556 7-1/2"L 100 $113.00 FP2028
CO2 Dragster Raceway System & Ramps ABS
Flight DynamicWindTunnel Kelvin Extremely quiet wind tunnel features absolutely straight air flow ideal for showing air currents. Wind speed can reach over 30-mph. Large window for easy viewing. Instructions test for & illustrate the effects of airflow, draft, coef- ficient of drag & aerodynamics.
Manual Raceway System System simultaneously fires both vehicles from the start gate. Finish gate catches the car & designates the winner. Includes start gate, finish gate w/winning lane indicator & racing instructions.Timing & starting lights not included. Stk. Mfr. Price 957960 731054 $594.00 Electronic Raceway System Close to real dragster racing! 2 vehicles race against each other in their own lanes & are started w/real “Christmas tree” dragster lights. System can be set to fire both cars independently or simultaneously timed to 1,000th of a sec. Includes start & finish gates, firing handles & starting lights. Stk. Mfr. Price 478233 740041 $1,114.00 Elevated Racetrack for Electronic or Manual Systems Add realism & excitement to your race event w/this sturdy, elevated racetrack.Wood track has black & oak finish & stands solidly on steel legs, which fold up after use. Both start & finish gates fasten on track w/ bolts. Nine 8' sections total 72'L to meet TSA racing regulations. Stk. Mfr. Price 957927 740065 $1,804.00 Firing Pins For use w/Electronic Raceway System. 2/pkg. Stk. Mfr. Price 478230 711049 $15.50
Size 56"L x 18"W. Test chamber 6"W x 12"L. Includes instructions, air indicator & test objects. Shown w/WindTunnel Scale Pkg., sold separately Stk. Mfr.
492174 $1,838.00 Kel-Lift & Drag Sensor™ Measures lift & drag using a rod connected to multiple sensors.Attaches item to interface rod. Mounts inside or below any wind tunnel. Includes interface w/USB port, USB cable, Windows ® compatible software & Digital Wind Meter. Stk. Mfr. Price 492175 841410 $1,200.00 WindTunnel Scale Package Measures drag on a car in the wind tunnel. Includes scale, test tray & all accessories. Stk. Mfr. Price 492176 841787 $340.00 841786
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