Midwest Tech 2016 Product Catalog
End Cutting Nippers Crescent Width of blades, throat clearance, leverage ratio of handles to blades, size of rivet and angle of cutting edges produce a top qual- ity cutting tool. Precision manufactured from forged alloy tool steel with electronically induction hardened cutting edges. Stk. Mfr. Length Price 309747 72-7CVN 7" $28.10 Heavy-duty construction allows for easy cutting of large nails, small spikes and form tie wires. Perfect- ly-mated cutters. Precision made of high carbon drop-forge steel. Channel- lock Blue® comfort grips. USA made. Stk. Mfr. Length Price 301350 148-10 10" $34.00 301354 148-14 14" $50.60 Groove Joint Pliers Great Neck For gripping pipes and damaged nuts that may slip with an adjustable wrench or socket. Drop-forged, chrome-plated steel pliers with milled jaws. Multi- grooved to provide jaw opening choices. Double-molded grips. Stk. Mfr. Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price 281012 W80C 8" 4 1-1/4" $6.93 281013 W120C 12" 6 1-3/4" $11.20 steel with brushed finish for maximum durability and corrosion resistance. Precision milled ribs assure smooth, positive interlock. Self-locking jaw ad- justment. Red non-slip cushion-grip handles. Stk. Mfr. Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price 308480 R27CV 7" 6 1-5/16" $14.50 308481 R210CV 10" 6 1-13/16" $16.10 308482 R212CV 12" 8 3" $18.70 308483 R216CV 16" 10 4-1/2" $31.70 3-Piece Set Includes 7", 10" & 12". 308484 R200SET3 $39.40 Undercut tongue and groove design for no slip jaw action. Reinforced edge minimizes stress breakage. PermaLock® fastener prevents nut and bolt fail- ures. Channellock Blue® comfort grips. USA made. Stk. Mfr. Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price 301466 424 4-1/2" 3 1/2" $18.00 301470 426 6-1/2" 5 7/8" $15.60 301462 420 9-1/2" 5 1-1/2" $18.80 301463 421 9-1/2" 5 1-1/2" $22.00 301474 430 10" 7 2" $18.00 301486 440 12" 7 2-1/4" $20.50 301494 460 16" 8 4-1/4" $36.80 2-Piece Set Includes 6-1/2" & 9-1/2". 301440 GS-1 $32.60 3-Piece Set Includes 6-1/2", 9-1/2" & 12". 301441 GS-3 $53.80 301463|Safe-T-Stop™ to prevent finger pinching. Heavy-duty End Nippers Straight JawTongue & Groove Pliers Crescent Features more adjustment positions for a better fit and more versatility. Forged alloy Straight Jaw Pliers Right angle teeth grip in all di- rections for maximum bite and minimum wear.
Nutbuster™Tongue & Groove Pliers Safe-T-Stop™ expanded rein-
forcing rib/jaw design prevents handles from touching, eliminating pinching fingers between the grips. Parrot nose jaws for strength and gripping power. Constructed of specially-treated, drop-forged steel for maximum strength and durability. PermaLock® fastener eliminates nut and bolt fail- ure. Channellock Blue® comfort grip handles. USA made. Stk. Mfr. Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price 301460 410 9-1/2" 4 1-1/8" $21.50 301461 414 14" 6 2" $35.00 V-shaped jaw with undercut tongue and groove assures no-slip action on round stock and tubing. Right angle teeth grip in all directions for maximum bite, less wear. Reinforced edge minimizes stress breakage. PermaLock® fastener prevents nut and bolt failures. Channellock Blue® comfort grips. Stk. Mfr. Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price 301464 422 9-1/2" 5 1-1/2" $19.10 V-JawTongue & Groove Pliers Crescent Alloy steel jaws with induction-hard- ened teeth increase grip and torque. Preci- sion-machined, joint interlock rivet assures smooth, positive joint action without slippage. Long, red non-slip, cushion-grip handles. Stk. Mfr. Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price 312090 R410CV 10" 6 1-3/16" $16.40 V-Jaw Pliers
HandTools, BuildingTrades &Vo-Ag PLIERS
GrooveLock Pliers Vise-Grip Quick-adjust Press-N-Slide™ jaw. Multi-groove ratcheting system, ProTouch™ soft grips. Anti-pinch design.
V-Jaw Stk.
Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price
$15.80 $19.00 $22.80
619477 619478 619479
2078108 8" 2078110 10" 2078112 12"
13 16 19
Straight Jaw Stk.
Length Jaw Positions Jaw Capacity Price
$15.80 $19.00 $20.50
619463 619464 619465
4935095 8" 4935096 10" 4935098 12"
13 16 19
1-3/4" 2-1/4" 2-1/4"
8-Piece Pliers Set Vise-Grip
Includes 3 GrooveLock pliers (8", 10" & 12"), 10" adjustable wrench, 8" long nose pliers, 8"
lineman’s pliers, 6" diagonal cutter, 6" slip joint pliers & vinyl pouch. Stk. Mfr.
4-Piece Pro Choice Pliers Set
Includes 8" long nose plier, 7" cutting plier, 9-1/2" tongue & groove plier, 8" slip joint plier.
Phone 800.831.5904 | Fax 800.285.7054 | www.midwesttechnology.com
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