Michigan Church Supply 2024-2025-c

Stations of the Cross

Prices Subject to Change


Stations of the cross Silver-plated metal on wooden block . 3150 Metal, silver-plated, assembled on a wooden block, set of 15 stations;


18 x 18 cm (illustrated stations: 1, 3, 4 and 6); available until end of stock

$ 2,035.00

Westerwald clay . Height 7½”, width 5 ⁄ ”. Hand-crafted of white Westerwald clay. High-grade ring at 2300°F. Complete set of 14 stations*. 5425 Glazed with cobalt blue and gold colours; available until end of stock $ 750.00 5429 Glazed with chestnut red and gold colours; available until end of stock $ 750.00 Cast polyester . Plaque indicating number included. The height quoted is the average cross height, not gure height. Price of complete set of 14 stations*. All these stations of the cross hereunder are for indoor as well as outdoor use. The price remains the same for both. When ordering the stations for use outdoor, please add 9 before the reference number. For instance “5411 Silvertone nish, becomes “ 9 5411” for outdoor use.





• Cross height from 13” to 18 ⁄ ”. 5411 Silvertone nish 5413 Bronzetone nish**

$ 3,640.00 $ 2,376.00 $ 4,135.00




5415 Polychrome nish

• Cross height from 9 ⁄ ” to 13 ⁄ ”. 5409 Wood colour

$ 1,930.00 $ 1,930.00 $ 3,110.00 $ 3,520.00

5418 Bronzetone nish 5419 Silvertone nish** 5420 Polychrome nish

• Height of cross between 11” and 18 ⁄ ”; illustrated I , height of cross 26 ⁄ ” and II , height of cross 26¾”. 5499 Polychrome nish $ 13,395.00 * Price of 15 th station (Risen Christ) is ⁄ th of the complete set. ** Not illustrated.



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