McCoy Church Goods 2022-2023 c

12 " To 32 " Statues

Prices Subject to Change


All Statues made from poly-resin and hand-painted

St. Joseph & Child 17" #4337 $200

St. Joseph & Baby 25" #4344 $350

St. Anthony 18" #4436 $170

St. Francis Assisi 22" #4191 $200

St. John Vianney 32" #15869 $800

St. Patrick 31" #9691 $770

St. Michael Archangel 14" #4481 $150

St. Anne & Mary 18" #4788 $220

St. Catherine Sienna 23" #4665 $295

St. Kateri Tekawitha 12" #17269 $75

Virgin Mary Child 31" #4023 $940

St. Clare 20" #15708 $215

St. eresa of Avila 22" #4603 $320

Cruci x 24"

Cruci x 48"





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