Massage Therapy Journal Summer 2024

36 • Massage Therapy Journal

AMTA Continuing Education

anterior neck muscles, the deep cervical strap muscles against the jaw, throat and the anterior spine. TMJD can produce extreme face and jaw pain, jaw clicking and locking, and debilitating headaches, as well as issues with teeth and the bones of the jaw itself. 6. Upper crossed syndrome . Over time, forward head posture can lead to upper crossed syndrome, which consists of an anterior position of shoulders, a concave chest, and often a considerable pelvic tilt imbalance that causes lower back and hip pain and dysfunction. This condition is quite common and can cause functional imbalances all the way down to the knees or feet. Additional Related Chronic Symptoms of TNS • Insomnia and Depression . These psychological symptoms are more chronic and develop as a result of prolonged exposure to the blue light emitted from technological devices. Studies show that blue light from devices alters several key neurohormones. 7 Insomnia can be caused by changes in our levels of melatonin (our sleep hormone) and stimulation of the nervous system, especially when using technology close to bedtime. 7 Depression can result from a disruption of serotonin and dopamine levels (our feel-good hormones). 8 • Impaired emotional and social intelligence . Spending a large amount of time online prevents us from practicing non-verbal emotional and social cues in in-person environments, dampening emotional intelligence and perhaps creating more social anxieties. 9 • Loss of lung capacity and respiratory issues . Chronic compression of the ribcage can affect lung capacity and reduce respiratory muscle function–including diaphragmatic strength and integrity. 10 This compression decreases circulation and impairs nearby organ function, resulting in a lack of oxygenated blood flow that can eventually lead to vascular disease in extreme cases. Reduced air capacity in the lungs can increase asthmatic symptoms and anxiety in other cases.

• Gastrointestinal issues . Chronic gastrointestinal problems might develop due to the anterior torso compression, causing issues like acid reflux and poor digestion. Compromise of the vagus nerve in this compartment can affect bowel regularity and cause chronic constipation, among many other parasympathetic nervous system-related issues. • Nomophobia . Nomophobia is a name for an actual addiction to our device. Studies have shown that not holding or seeing your device, or not being able to check it for a certain period of time, can signficantly increase fear and anxiety and raise stress hormones. 11 More recently, we are seeing a very real addiction for validation on social media with likes, comments and shares, especially in younger generations. Each time a user checks their device and sees a positive interaction, they receive a dopamine “hit” from the brain’s reward system. The addictive nature of mobile devices, intentionally designed to become extensions of ourselves, contributes to prolonged periods of engagement. According to the Pew Research Center, 85 percent of Americans now have a smartphone, and smartphone dependency is increasing, especially for 18–29 year olds. 12 • I ncrease of cortisol/stress hormones. Chronic stress hormone release over time primes the body for many diseases (for example, cancers, heart disease, diabetes) by causing cell deterioration at low levels. Stress hormones are increased by experiencing pain and discomfort, anxiety and lack of sleep. • Negative affectivity . The long-term mental and emotional exhaustion caused by chronic pain and doctor visits and therapies can insidiously lead to problems with attention, energy and overall well-being at school and work, as well as lifestyle and daily habits, such as hobbies or relationships. • Depletion of energy (Qi) . Eastern medicine suggests that the depletion of vital energy over many hours a day can lead to chronic challenges for glands and certain organs. It is thought that constant visual stimuli and blue lights from devices overtax and deplete our inherent energy

The immediate effects of TNS are often related to muscle strain and discomfort, while the chronic consequences result from structural and physiological changes that develop over an extended period.

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