Massage Therapy Journal Fall 2024

Fall 2024 • 55

However, the most common causes are age, eye shape or eye disease. 52 • Presbyopia is the gradual onset of inability

over the next 30 years as baby boomers age. In total, approximately 12 million Americans have a vision disability. Among them, about one million people are blind. 32 Assistive Technologies for Clients With Visual Impairment Standard assistive technologies for people who have visual impairments or who are blind are things that help with mobility and reading. To assist mobility, service dogs, special canes and electronic mobility aids that detect obstacles can be used. Optical low vision aids such as hand-held or stand magnifiers or magnification spectacles help people with low vision read. Bright light and reducing glare are two techniques people with low vision employ to help them see. There are several software and electronic devices that help blind or visually impaired people read or use the internet. For example, text can be enlarged on a computer and electronic devices can be set up with speech output to help low vision or blind individuals. However, fewer people who have difficulty seeing regularly use computers or the Internet compared with people who have normal vision. 54

to see objects nearby or up close due to advancing age. The loss of elasticity in the lens of the eye causes defective accommodation for near vision.

• Refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the back of the eye, often resulting in blurred vision. Types include astigmatism, farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia) and presbyopia. • Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases resulting in irreversible damage to the optic nerve caused by increased pressure in the eye. • Cataracts are a clouding of the eye lens that reduces visual sharpness. • Diabetic retinopathy occurs in people with advanced or long-term diabetes. It is caused by blood leaking from blood vessels and micro-aneurysms that damage the retina of the eye. • Macular degeneration, also called age related macular degeneration , is the deterioration of the central area of the retina, which is responsible for detailed vision, causing blurred, wavy or dark spots in the field of vision. Vision loss can affect many aspects of a person’s life, including independence and mental health status. There may be reduced driving and walking and an increased risk of injury from falls. People with low vision read slower and with reduced accuracy. Vision loss may also reduce involvement in social and educational activities, as well as relationships with family and friends. This may lead to depression and anxiety from feelings of isolation. Visual impairments affect people of all ages. They are more common among older age groups. The proportion of people aged 71 and older with visual impairments is 25 percent compared with six percent in people aged 18 and under. 53 The number of older people with visual impairments will likely increase substantially

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