Marshall Magazine Spring 2022
Green ever
MUAA National President
Dear Fellow Alumni:
wo years, This new mories, to
much uncertainty. For nearly t nitizers are now always at hand. “socially distanced” holiday me sm, to highlighting the discrep
end and still the world holds so rmal,” where masks and hand sa from families learning to make
Another spring is around the b we’ve been living in the “new no era has brought many changes:
ancies in employment, housing ,
health care workers being reco gnized for their everyday heroi
ss around the world.
health care and education acce
the resilience of the Marshall s pandemic has made us more
I think of Marshall. I think of ite the ongoing challenges, thi
meone says, “Herd Immunity,” n and around the globe. Desp
I must admit that every time so University family in Huntingto creative, more determined and For example, the School of Me role in keeping up with the heal to take to the skies through the students, faculty, coaches and s of Business alum, Brad D. Smi For the third consecutive year, accomplishments of our studen campus this spring in person, I even consider enrolling in an o The merger of virtual and real-w many regions, and they are enga chats with notable Marshall alum The newly elected Board of Di board or in other opportunitie media accounts and visit HerdA
more focused on what is truly important in our lives.
s have been playing an outsized , Marshall is preparing students ve seen amazing work from our a Son of Marshall and College
dicine, School of Pharmacy an d College of Health Profession new commercial pilot and avia tion technology programs. We’ th care needs of our country. W hile travel is currently uncertain
nd we celebrated the return of
taff over the past several years. A th, as the 38th president in Jan
a bit different than it has in th more celebrated. If you are no t able to visit the Huntington ssue of The Parthenon online or e past; but the hard work and
our Alumni Weekend will look ts and alumni have never been
encourage you to take a virtua l tour of the campus, read an i
nline course.
lumni chapters are forming in ers and auctions, to happy hour apter or start one of your own!
orld spaces allows for some am azing new opportunities. New a ging members in new and creat ive ways — from virtual fundrais
to get involved with your local ch
s and students. I encourage you
’re interested in serving on the nnected with the alumni social
ir three-year term in July. If you se contact us. Be sure to stay co
rectors members will begin the s to engage with Marshall, plea for up-to-date listings
of events.
or virtually! Go Herd!
Marshall University. Hope to s ee you soon, whether in person
Thank you for your support of
Mikala Shremshock President, Marshall University A
lumni Association
MATT HAYES , Executive Director LARRY CRUM , Associate Director KASEY STEVENS , Assistant Director ALUMNI RELATIONS STAFF
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