March Greenwood UNFI
Table of Contents
Retailer Buy-In Dates: February 27 - March 26, 2015 Effective Ship Dates: February 28 - March 27, 2015
Page Number Section
11 Hot Deals 15 New Products 30 New Product Barcodes 35 Now Available 43 Case Stack Tier Pricing 47 Bulk 51 Frozen 63 Refrigerated 75 Grocery
141 Personal Care 157 Supplements 175 Specialty
©2015 United Natural Foods, Inc. UNFI, DRIVEN BY NATURE and the UNFI DRIVEN BY NATURE logo are federally registered trademarks of United Natural Foods, Inc. RP
How To Order Orders may be phoned in between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more specific details, refer to the Order/Delivery section of your Wholesale Catalog. If you have any questions regarding your order or delivery, contact our inside sales departments at:
Dayville, Sarasota & Atlanta orders: 1-800-877-2240 Chesterfield, Hudson Valley & York orders: 1-800-451-2525 Iowa City, Greenwood & Racine orders: 1-800-323-2131
UNFI Eastern Region Offices
260 Lake Road Dayville, CT 06241 (800) 877-8898
2340 Heinz Road Iowa City, IA 52240 (800) 323-2131
71 Stow Drive P.O. Box 301 Chesterfield, NH 03443 (800) 451-2525
When unexpected supplier increases occur, we may not be able to honor the sale price. We reserve the right to correct erroneously advertised descriptions or prices. All sale items are subject to manufacturer availability.
s = Natural Prices are subject to change without notice. Not all products available in all warehouses. 81), *UHHQZRRG —————————————————————————————————————————————— March 2015 7D EO H R ) F R17H17V
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