Make Copy Shine By Editing 2023

Select a story written for the yearbook and edit it using the editing process and checklist. Note here the changes you would make, or make them on the story and attach here. EDIT A STORY ACTIVITY Your Name:


4.0 3.0

I can do all tasks in 3.0 and I can teach others!

I understand the importance of positive communication with the writer and how establishing a copy editing system will help me effectively communicate corrections.

I can demonstrate an ability to use a variety of methods to thoroughly edit copy.

I can effectively edit copy in a way that limits rewriting and shows the writer how to improve the story.


I understand the basics of how to communicate with the writer, but I am still struggling to abide by a strong copy editing system that allows me to edit effectively and thoroughly. I understand the importance of copy editing, but I do not understand how to implement a copy editing system, how to edit effectively or how to communicate corrections to the writer.



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