Make Copy Shine By Editing 2023

9. PHCC is a good school to attend if you’d like to earn an Associate’s Degree .

10. The student body increased by over 200 students.

11. The Mustangs beat the Rams 21 to 20 at last night’s game.

12. The staff had an extra day off for labor day falling on a Monday.

13. Night school was canceled on Tue. and Wed. nights this week.

14. It is important to know proper punctuation (like how to use parentheses.)

15. You can find a lot of information on the web about war.

16. My favorite time of the year is the Fall .

17. New Year’s Day is exciting; you have a fresh start for the New Year.

18. This information should just stay among the two of us.

19. I vacation biannually ; I save up to go on a longer trip every two years.

20. I prefer to attend the pre-season football games so I can observe all the new players.

Yearbook Suite | Make Copy Shine By Editing 31

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