Make Copy Shine By Editing 2023

Writing in active voice brings energy to your writing that passive voice cannot. To keep your writing in active voice, remove all to-be verbs. ACTIVE VOICE VS. PASSIVE VOICE

Know the difference between active and passive voice:



When a verb’s subject performs the action expressed by the verb, the verb is in the active voice. My family bought a new home. (The subject family performs the action.)

When a verb’s subject receives the action expressed by the verb, the verb is in the passive voice. Homes are being sold by the builder. (The subject homes receives the action.)


am are is was

were have

been being be did

do should would could

has had

Know the strategies for editing out passive voice verbs: 1. Change the to-be verb to a strong verb. Example: Tony is afraid of notebook checks. Better: Tony fears notebook checks.

2. Eliminate the to-be verb by writing one or more showing sentences. Example: Alligators are mean.

Better: The alligator lurched forward and thrashed about in the water the moment the zookeeper approached, showing his razor sharp teeth and snapping at every step the zookeeper took.

3. Combine sentences to eliminate the to-be verb.

Example: The inefficient time manager is unfulfilled. He heads to bed, disappointed, despite having finished his to-do list. Better: The inefficient time manager heads to bed, unfulfilled, even though he checked off everything on his un-prioritized to-do list. 4. Last two tips for dealing with to-be verbs. • Eliminate the entire sentence if its omission does not change the meaning of the passage. • Leave the to-be verb if changing it alters the meaning, diminishes the passage or makes the structure unworkable.

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