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wheel around the center of the plant or swirled slightly depending on artistic desire and available space. There are a number of creative ways to use this method, but the end result is basically the same. Pulling the canes horizontal causes the rose to produce flowers at nearly every leaf axil,increasing the blooming potential a hundredfold.A pegged rose is generally used as a specimen plant and takes up quite a bit of space, but the incredible floral display and unique shape make it quite worthwhile to try the technique. The following varieties are well suited for this application:

GreatWestern Honorine de Brabrant

Madame Driout Mme. Ernest Calvat

Mme. Isaac Pereire Mme. Plantier

Queen of Bourbons Variegata di Bologna

Rooting Cuttings Fall has proven to be the best time to take cuttings here in Texas with cooler temperatures providing a less stressful environment. Stems that have just flowered make excellent candidates for rooting. Select pencil-thick stems that are 4 to 8 inches in length and avoid growth that is too new as it has soft tissue that will wilt too quickly once cut. Cut the stem into lengths containing 2 to 3 leaflets each. The bottom cut should be just below a bud eye. The cuttings are stuck in a well drained potting soil ( a styrofoam coffee cup with a pierced bottom works well as a pot). Then place a plastic bag (supported by straws to keep it off the cuttings) over the top as a canopy. Another easy way to root cuttings is by placing them in a zip lock baggie filled one third full of damp potting soil. Place in a warm area with lots of humidity and indirect sunlight. High humidity can be maintained by misting periodically during the day for the first two weeks (a spray bottle works well). Be sure not to saturate the soil with water. Your rose should root within three to six weeks, but some varieties are difficult, so be patient. Once rooted, the canopy can be removed and the light level increased, but watering must continue on a fairly consistent basis. With the root system established, the plant can be transplanted into the yard or larger pot.



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