Mail Order Catalog

Training Roses in Trees Vigorous climbing roses can impart elegance and color in trees of any size garden. By planting roses on the south side of an established tree,canes can be trained and eventually natu- ralized into the tree's canopy. (1) Plant roses only near well established trees that are several years old and over 15 feet tall. (2) Plant a rose 4 to 6 feet from the tree trunk on the south side so the rose won't be competing with the tree for sun. (3) After rose canes reach 8 to 10 feet in length, begin train- ing them on lower and outer branches of the tree. If the tree is tall with few branches, like pines, wrap canes around the trunk until they are long enough to reach the lower branches. The following year’s canes will naturally weave into supporting branches. Remember, you want both the rose and the tree to grow and so some judicious pruning will be necessary in future years.

1117 Felicia HMsk 4 x 7 ft. shrub/8-10 ft Cl. Z6-11 R/Fr/pb

703 Dortmund 15 to 30 feet. Z5-11 R/H/mr Shrb

1601 Joseph's Coat 8 to 12 feet. Z5-11 R/Fr/yb LFC

1309 Iceberg, Cl. 8 to 10 feet. Z5-11 R/Fr/w Flr



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