Mail Order Catalog

Small Shrubs Unlike the American Rose Society's classification of shrub roses which denotes a class of miscellaneous bred modern roses, we have gathered roses in this group for their size, shape and application in the garden. In this section all roses are bushes that range in height from one to four feet. This group comprises many classes of roses including Chinas, Hybrid Teas, Noisettes, but the majority of them are from the Polyantha and Floribunda classes. Be forewarned,the incredible diversity of floral display from these roses will make it difficult to pick just one. The Polyanthas can be described as cluster flowering compact plants which are the result of crossing R multiflora (cluster forming flowers) with China roses (compact shape and repeat bloom.) These carefree Polyanthas were then crossed with larger flowered HybridTeas yielding the Floribunda class. They are a distinct group of roses more open in habit than the bushy Polyanthas but neater and more compact than the Hybrid Teas. All these roses in this section,because of their low compact growth habit and floriferous nature, are excellent for massing in flower beds and borders or used as specimens in pots. For the homeowner interested in carefree roses, these classes fit the bill as they are small and compact and only require shaping with the shears once a year.

1606 Molineux™ 3 to 4 feet. Z5-11 R/Fr/my Shrb



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