MT Magazine November/December 2022
Manufacturing Matters Check in for the highlights, headlines, and hijinks that matter to manufacturing. These lean news items keep you updated on the latest developments.
To Be Current Is To Be Stale The velocity of technology development is accelerating. Is this a good thing? Only if the technologies can be adopted at the same pace. Luckily, as we saw at IMTS, implementation and use is becoming easier as human-to-machine interfaces grow more intuitive than ever. However, this format will not last, as the ever-changing workforce will drive new interfaces and controls. As mechanical systems and controls become more precise, accurate, and faster, what controls them should as well. The benefit for business will be a faster time to market. Can you reduce the number of setup pieces if your confidence in the program is high enough? Can you program a robot on the fly for the 10 different part numbers you are running today?
Talk of Recession Labeling a “recession” serves as a convenient way for economists to succinctly summarize the troubling economic underpinnings of a period of unfavorable business conditions. At MTForecast 2022, sentiment was mixed among economists regarding the United States entering a recession. Oxford Economics’ Mark Killion claimed a mild recession was unavoidable in 2023, while Charles Gascon of the Federal Reserve Bank didn’t believe it was a foregone conclusion. Determining a recession is not as simple as monitoring for two consecutive quarters of real GDP contraction. In fact, a committee sanctioned by the National Bureau of Economic Research is officially responsible. They interpret several economic factors to define the start and end of a recession. The last three recessions corresponded to a 23% decline in manufacturing technology order values. However pessimistic recession commentary may sound, it efficiently communicates otherwise complex economics, affording executives time to plan for the start and duration of a slowdown in their businesses.
Smart Technology, Automation, Teacher Training, and Curriculum at IMTS 2022 Automation, robotics, and smart digital manufacturing technologies are widely recognized as the key solutions to the current labor shortage in U.S. manufacturing, and those technologies were on full display during the Smartforce Student Summit at IMTS. Educators and students were able to experience more than 80 robots, many of which come with teacher training, curriculum, and industry certifications; nearly a dozen virtual reality displays, including many that focused on robotics; and examples of cyber physical factory training solutions. Teacher training, curricula, and industry certifications will be critical in solving the shortage of career and technical education teachers, the foundational point of engagement to solve the labor shortage. For more information, visit
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