MO Pharmacist August 2022
One Last Summer Conference (and Party) by RON FITZWATER, CAE, MBA
A s I sit here to write this article, we are going through a series of days with 100+ degree weather. It is hard to believe that we are planning for the end of summer already. But the heat and humidity have us all thinking about the beach, lake and cooler locales. And what would be better to do when we are there but to throw a party? Or at least host a confer ence where a party might pop up at any time.
are conducted. It was a frustrating two years as we had tomake significant adjustments to our Annual Conference because of the Covid pandemic. As we break out of the restrictions caused by the pandemic and after careful thought and discussion, our staff and Board of Directors decided to go back to the basics and return to the Lake of the Ozarks area for the 2022 Annual Conference. MPAmembers have had a lot of fun at meetings there over
"Reading departure signs in some big airport Reminds me of the places I’ve been Visions of good times that brought so much pleasure Makes me want to go back again" ~ Jimmy Buffet
Ron Fitzwater, CAE, MBA, is the CEO of the Missouri Pharmacy Association.
is, “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Atti tudes” which is also the theme for the MPA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo. A few lines from the song express thoughts about the 2022 meeting: “Reading departure signs in some big
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When I first came to the Misso ri Phar macy Association, we had hosted a number of Annual Conferences at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, MO. Over the past 15 or so years, we have moved the Annual Conference around the state of Missouri to try to take advantage of the facilities and activities that are available in other areas of our state as well as to try to make the meeting convenient to members across the state. In addition, we have taken the opportunity to host joint meetings with pharmacy associations from Kansas, Oklahoma andmost recently Illinois. These joint meetings have been well received and a lot of fun as we have interacted with pharmacists and their families from across the Midwest. Like many things in our daily life, the pandemic changed meetings and how they
We’re committed to providing conference, our first choice was to go back to a familiar site. That’s what we’re doing. But when you arrive, you will fin that the resort has changed names. It is no longer Tan Tar-A – it's now Margaritaville Lake Resort. That name creates thoughts about the beach, fun times and Jimmy Buffett music. I have been a Jimmy Buffett fan s nce he first hit the charts several decades ago. Certainly, one of his biggest hits is the song Margaritaville. “Strumming his six-string on his front porch swing ...” But my favorite Jimmy Buffet song the years. Some of our current members had a chance to attend our meetings at the Lake during their childhood. It was the summer vacation for some. We want to recreate that atmosphere of education and a little beach/ lake relaxation. In looking for a location for the 2022
PharmacyAssociation airport, Reminds me of the places I’ve been, Visions of good times that brought so much pleasure, Makes me want to go back again ” I invite you and your family to join us Health Mart® celebrates your independence. in Osage Beach for the 2022 MPA Annual Conference. I have talked about the social aspects of the meeting because after the past couple of years, I think everyone could use some fun and relaxation. However, theMPA Continuing Education Committee has put together a great conference program as well. We will be offering sessions on some of the following topics: Transitions of Care; Mental Health; Addiction and Recovery; Geriatrics; ImmunizationUpdate; LawUpdate; Leading Your Pharmacy; Pharmacy Value to Health Plans; Gender-Affirming Care; Smoking Ces- 855.458.4678 | the solutions and support that enable you to grow your business, your way. Learn how you can benefit from our best-in-class pharmacy services, together with the strength of McKesson’s distribution network.
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