MO Pharmacist August 2022



W ow, time sure flies by! Especially as we get older! As we are quickly approaching autumn, it feels like it may be appropriate to reflect on my time as MPA President. My previous article focused on the often-overwhelming stress and burnout of pharmacists across the country and in Missouri. I am proud that the MPA has been able to establish a fantastic series of webinars in It is time to unite as a profession, across all practice sites, to fight against unfair business practices by the PBMs. This is essential not only for our personal finances but also for the success of the profession of pharmacy! " ~ Curt Wood helping pharmacists cope with these issues. The series, which was set up by theMPAWorking Conditions Task Force, has been led by Brent Reed, a pharmacist who is also a Ph.D. candidate inOrganizational Psychology. That Task Force was responsible for establishing and setting up these webinars. If you have not yet signed up for one of the webinars, I highly encourage you to do so! While the 2022 Legislative Session was a bit disappointing, I would like to commend theMPA staff, the Legislative Committee, and all of our members that participated in Legislative Day, ESPECIALLY to those that made contact with their local legislators, both Senators and Representa tives. Remember, NOONE FIGHTS HARDER FOR THE PHARMA CISTS AND THE PROFESSION OF PHARMACY IN MISSOURI THAN THE MISSOURI PHARMACY ASSOCIATION AND ITS MEMBERS! This year we had GREAT participation from our members and students from both UHSP and UMKC at Legislative Day. It felt like our members and students were more engaged and determined to get our message to the legislators than ever before! Although we may not have gotten our PBM bill across the finish line, I am confident that both Sen ators and Representatives heard our message and concerns louder and clearer than ever before. On a positive note, however, the MPA was able to make progress in advancing pharmacists participation in PrEP and further vaccine administration. Again, thank you for your efforts and


In my opinion, pharma cists have often been our own worst enemy. We have sold products at a loss, we have giv en away valuable services for free. And, nowwe are fighting to overcome these past hab its in order to stay afloat. It is time to unite as a profes sion, across all practice sites, to fight against unfair business practic es by the PBMs. This is essential not only for our personal finances but also for the success of the pro fession of pharmacy!

Curt Wood, RPh, BCGP, FASCP, Elder Care Pharmacy Consultants, LLC, New London, Missouri, is President of the Missouri Pharmacy Association.

Advocacy may be guided by the MPA, but the real message and weight of that message is carried by YOU, our members. We must continue to build relationships with our local legislators. This takes time, effort, and money. Please do not forget to give to the MPA Political Action Committee. Even a small donation of $10 a month helps!This can even be set up as an automatic charge on your credit card by the MPA staff. Set it and forget it! I would also like to reflect on the great work that our Continuing Education Committee has done in arranging the programming at this year’s Annual Conference. I am quite confident that the quality and content of the Continuing Education available at this Conference will be of first-rate quality! I sure hope that we see you there! I am also proud of the fact that this year, we were able to give students a free room and registration to the Conference! I really look forward to seeing the next group of pharmacy leaders there. Finally, I would like to thank the Membership Committee for their work on membership retainment. They have been diligently working to contact lapsed members for dues renewal. While it is always important to gain new members and grow our membership numbers, it is likewise just as important to keep the members that we have! This year theMPA also revamped its website and implemented a new phone app! It really is impressive. If you have not downloaded it yet, you should. To get the app download at I am proud of what the MPA has accomplished this past year. My time as President may be quickly coming to an end, but great things will continue to happen at the Missouri Pharmacy Association! I know that the incoming President Jerry Callahan and the other officers on the Board of Directors will continue to provide outstanding leadership for our state and our profession!

2 Missouri PHARMACIST | Volume 96, Issue II | August 2022

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