MO Pharmacist August 2022


START NOW! INCORPORATING SMOKING CESSATION IN YOUR PHARMACY 10:50-11:50A The program intends to provide phar macistswitha kick-start toproviding a smoking cessation servicewithin their practice setting. Areviewof the phar macological options andnon-pharmacological strategies, includingmotivational interviewing, will be utilizedwith in the patient scenarios and discussion. Pharmacists will review the current Missouri legislation for NRT, along with various business models to incorporate the service. Through the use of discussion, case scenarios, video clips, and interactive learning strategies, the audiencewill leave withanactionplan for incorporating a smoking cessation service into their pharmacy practice. MEDICATION OVERLOAD IN OLDER ADULTS: A CLOSER LOOK AT POLYPHARMACY AND DEPRESCRIBING 10:50-11:50A This programwill identifyways todefine polypharmacy, discuss the consequences of polypharmacy in older adults, progress and challenges related to depre scribing, and tools/tactics for optimizingmedicationuse in older adults. 12-1:30P AWARDS LUNCH Joinus for theMPAAwards Lunch as selected pharmacy professionals receive awards. LEADING YOUR PHARMACY WITH PURPOSE TO ACHIEVE AMAZING RESULTS 1:40-2:40P This sessionwill talkabout understanding the three reasons why your patients and employees won't listentoyouandthe three reasonswhy theydo listentoyou, and how to lead them to success. We will identify which current patients you should focus your time and energy on togrowyour business.Therewill be a discussionabout purposeful ways to attract new patients that will lead to business growth, and discussion and ideas from the audi ence, usingreal caseexampleswithaudienceparticipation. ADHERENCE: THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN SERVING THE MENTAL HEALTH POPULATION 1:40-2:40P This programwill give a background on Mental Health-oriented pharmacy practice and the chal lenges facedby this population.Therewill be a discussion on tools to help this specific population with adherence andhowthewhole pharmacy teamcan take part inmeet ing adherence goals.

ARE YOU UP TO DATE ON YOUR VACCINES? 2:50-3:50P The program will focus on recent CDC and ACIP changes to the vaccine schedules including pneumococcal diseases, zoster, dengue fever, flu vaccine, Hepatitis B, and Covid-19. The program will highlight the changes and allow active participation in reviewing patient cases and selecting the correct vaccines indicated for the patient. BUILDING A COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE AGREEMENT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM 4-5P This sessionwill reviewstate requirements regard ing collaborative practice agreements (CPAs), highlight standing pharmacy protocols that are relevant to CPAs, evaluate best practices for key components of aCPA, and describe techniques to enhance provider discussions re garding a CPA. THE BUSINESS MIND: A SPEED NETWORKING EVENT 5:10-6:10P This networking event is for all attendees to ask questions and learn fromcolleagues in a variety of practice settings. We will have round tables set up with a leader at each table from a specific practice setting to facilitate the discussion.This ismuch like a ‘speeddating’ event - every tenminutes youwill move to the next table. Bring your business cards. Saturday, SEPT. 17 7:30A REGISTRATION OPEN 7:30-8:30A PAST PRESIDENT’S BREAKFAST (INVITE ONLY) 7:30-8:30A BREAKFAST PRESENTATION BY NOVO NORDISK (ALL ATTENDEES) 8:40-9:40A THE FUTURE OF RNA AND DNA VACCINES The program will explore the history of RNA and DNA vaccines to set the stage for future implications of this technology.The audiencewill gaina better understanding of the technology anddevelopment of nucleic acid-based vaccines and explore disease states that are conducive to vaccination through RNA and DNA technologies.

18 Missouri PHARMACIST | Volume 96, Issue II | August 2022

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