MATC 2024-25 Catalog
Prerequisite(s): Complete BADM-106. Complete RBUS-102, MATH-107, MATH-123 or any 200-level MATH courses. BADM-106 Credits: 3 MSOf fi ce for Business Applications This course provides hands-on training in Microsoft Of fi ce. The focus will be on the business application for Windows, Excel, Word and PowerPoint. There will be a special emphasis on the use of Excel tools in business. BADM-110 Credits: 3 Business Communications With Technology This course is designed to prepare students to communicate effectively in the digital age. Students will learn the various digital tools that are being used in business communication and collaboration today. Students will demonstrate basic writing skills and grammar in the preparation of effective communications using the various digital communication tools available. Tools will include email, Facebook, instant messaging, internet resources, LinkedIn and various other online communication tools. Students will also demonstrate effective presentation skills that utilize visual aids and Business Analysis An entry-level course designed to introduce students to the tools used in business for fi nancial analysis. Business Analysis provides the students with the basics of ratio analysis, time value of money, risk analysis, capital budget evaluation and fi nancial statement analysis. Prerequisite(s): Complete BADM-106 and complete either ACCTG-110 or ACCTG-111. BADM-126 Credits: 3 Business Finance Primary emphasis is on the role of the fi nancial manager. Special attention is given to ratio and fi nancial statement analysis. The topics of budgeting, working capital management, leverage and short- and long-term fi nancing are also covered. Prerequisite(s): Complete ACCTG-110 or ACCTG-111, and complete BADM-106 or ACCTG-122. BADM-134 Credits: 3 Business Organization and Management An introduction to business, focusing on a basic understanding of the activities, functions and principles of business enterprises. This course covers the responsibilities and challenges of operating a business. The emphasis is on human relations, management, marketing, fi nance, labor, franchising, forms of ownership and careers. BADM-145 Credits: 3 Small Business Management A concise examination is made of all phases of managing a small business and isolating signi fi cant problems for solution. Speci fi c problems of the small business fi rm, such as fi nancing, developing, staf fi ng, etc., are considered and analyzed. Prerequisite(s): Complete BADM-134 or MKTG-102. digital tools. BADM-120 Credits: 3
plated desserts, and desserts for functions and banquets. During the course, students will develop a dessert menu from the perspective of variety, costs, practicality and how well it matches the rest of the menu. Prerequisite(s): Complete BAKING-101, BAKING-120, BAKING-122, BAKING-125, BAKING-129, BAKING-130, BAKING-131, CULMGT-105, CULMGT-112, CULART-118 and CULART-100. BAKING-113 Credits: 3 Cake Decorating, Icing and Fondant This course is designed to give students an introduction to the fundamental components of cake construction, and it covers basic and advanced decorating techniques that are relevant to the current industry trends. The students gain experience working with a variety of decorating mediums and learn the different options for icings, fi llings and sponges. Students learn extensively about buttercream and fondant techniques including borders, scrolling, fl owers, and how to properly ice and stack cakes with the proper support. Students will also learn how to interact with a client by completing a mock presentation that demonstrates the planning process of an event theme and writing a contract. Prerequisite(s): Complete BAKING-101, BAKING-108, BAKING-120, BAKING-122, BAKING-125, BAKING-129, BAKING-130, CULMGT-112, CULART-118 and CULART-100. BAKING-120 Credits: 3 Basic Baking Techniques This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts, skills and techniques of basic baking including cookies and bars, pies, doughnuts, quick breads and yeast dough production. Study of ingredient functions, production identi fi cation and weights. Prerequisite(s): Completion of or currently enrolled in CULMGT-112 and BAKING-122. BAKING-122 Credits: 3 Baking Principles/Ingredient Functions In this class, instructors will focus on the primary functions of ingredients in baked goods, with an emphasis on yeast-raised dough, sponge dough, straight dough and modi fi ed straight dough methods. Students are exposed to chemical, physical and biological leavening principles, as well as the understanding of the characteristics and functions of baking ingredients. Students will study formulas that work on scienti fi c principles and their outcomes. BAKING-125 Credits: 3 Artisan Breads In this course, you will discover the fi ne science of bread. You will explore and learn about the reaction of yeast, air and liquid combining to become a living substance. You will be introduced to the characteristics and functions of fl our, and investigate the effects of fl our on fl avor, texture and the structures of well-known, classical and artisan breads. These include baguettes, sourdoughs, wheat epi, pumpernickel, focaccia, rye and ciabatta. Prerequisite(s): Complete BAKING-120, BAKING-122, CULMGT-112, CULART-100 and CULART-118.
Credits: 3
Management Principles A comprehensive overview of the functions and principles of management that lead to success in the operating climate of the new millennium. Prerequisite(s): Complete BADM-134, BADM 126 or HEALTH-104. BADM-165 Credits: 3 Legal Environment of Business The course presents the legal concepts governing the conduct of business in the United States from a managerial perspective including contracts, torts, agency and government regulations. The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the legal process as it applies to managerial and other business problems. As legal rules frequently change, the emphasis will be on developing independent critical thinking skills. BADM-192 Credits: 3 Risk Management and Insurance This course provides an introduction to managing risks in order to maximize the value of a fi rm.An examination of the types of business loss exposures and their management, with a primary emphasis on insurance, are discussed in an applied approach. Credits: 3 Specialty Baking and Pastry Techniques 1 This course involves learning techniques such as the preparation of various tart doughs, laminated doughs, pate a choux, sponges, custards, ganache, meringues and holiday specialties. Students use these skills to prepare plated desserts with appropriate garnishes and sauces. Proper use and care of equipment together with sanitation are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): Complete BAKING-120, BAKING-122, CULART-118, CULMGT-112 and CULART-100. BAKING-107 Credits: 5 Cafe Operations The Cafe Operations course is designed for students to learn techniques for the operation of a modern cafe/bistro in a hands-on working environment. Training will include the areas of barista, preparation of breakfast pastries, preparation of soups and stocks, front-of-the house, operation of point-of-sale software system, cashier, and customer service. Emphasis will be on the complete operation of a business. Prerequisite(s): Complete BAKING-108, BAKING-113, BAKING-131, CULART-109, CULART-116, CULART-122 and CULMGT-105. BAKING-108 Credits: 2 Hotel and Restaurant Dessert Production This course covers the preparation and service of hot and cold desserts with focus on individual desserts, a la minute preparations and numerous components within one preparation. Students will learn station organization, timing and service coordination for restaurant dessert production. Products made will include frozen desserts, ice cream, sorbet, glazes, individual BAKING – Baking (Department 314) BAKING-101 | 414-297-MATC | Wisconsin Relay System 711
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