MATC 2024-25 Catalog

GENERAL EDUCATION The General Education Academic & Career Pathway is MATC’s largest and most diverse. We o ff er unparalleled academic and career course combinations in the liberal arts and sciences — the foundation for all academic and career paths. The Pathway fosters educational excellence and interdisciplinary inquiry through our unique blend of course options in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. Our students have access to choose, explore and sculpt a personalized and individually powerful learning experience suited for their desired academic and/or career paths. Our courses transform our students into socially aware, critically thinking global citizens who strive to bring about positive change in their communities and beyond. PathwayOf fi ces Downtown Milwaukee Campus , C Building, Room C204, 414-297-6584

Mequon Campus , RoomA108 Oak Creek Campus , RoomA121 West Allis Campus , Room103

Associate of Arts – Art: Pre-Major Associate of Arts Communication: Pre-Major Associate of Arts Community Engagement: Pre-Major Associate of Arts: Global Studies: Pre-Major Associate of Arts – Liberal Arts and Sciences Four-Year College Transfer Program Associate of Arts: Spanish: Pre-Major Associate of Arts – Teacher Education: Pre-Major

Associate of Arts – Online Accelerated Associate of Science – Chemical Technology: Pre-Major Associate of Science – Economics: Pre-Major Associate of Science – Liberal Arts and Sciences Four-Year College Transfer Program

Associate of Science Psychology Individualized Technical Studies

AD Associate Degree program TD Technical Diploma program C Certi fi cate program | 414-297-MATC | Wisconsin Relay System 711


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