MATC 2022-23 Catalog
AviationMaintenance Technician – General (AMT-G Cert.) CERTIFICATE Program Code: 61-486-1 FAA-Certi fi ed - MATC Aviation Center/Oak Creek Campus
COURSES Credits AVITEC-323 Aircraft Ground Operation and Servicing... 3 AVITEC-380 Basic Physics ............................................. 1 AVITEC-381 Basic Electricity.......................................... 3 AVITEC-382 Aircraft Materials and Their Inspection ..... 3 AVITEC-383 Aircraft Maintenance Publications, Records and Mechanics Regulations.......... 1 AVITEC-393 Mathematics for Aviation Technicians ....... 2 ENG-340 Workplace Communication ....................... 2 (or) ENG-195 Written Communication ‡ TOTAL CREDITS: 15 Program curriculum requirements are subject to change.
AVIATION TECHNICIAN Certi fi cate • Aviation Maintenance Technician – General, p. 199 Technical Diploma • Aviation Technician – Airframe, p. 128 • Aviation Technician – Powerplant, p. 129
Certi fi cates
Complete this certi fi cate certi fi ed by the Federal Aviation Administration and you will be prepared for entry-level work as a line service technician assisting certi fi ed aircraft mechanics and structural assemblers, or you could work in air fi eld ground support positions. MATC’s Aviation Center is at 422 East College Avenue, east of the Oak Creek Campus. Admission Requirement • A high school diploma or GED Current MATC students should consult their Academic Program Plan for speci fi c curriculum requirements. Some certi fi cates can be earned while completing associate degrees and/or technical diplomas that are eligible for fi nancial aid. Certi fi cate programs alone are not eligible for fi nancial aid; contact MATC for details. All credits in certi fi cate programs must be earned at MATC with a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher. Upon completion of the certi fi cate’s requirements, the student’s transcript is notated with the credential earned. The Aviation Maintenance Technician - General (AMT-G Cert.) is certi fi ed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;; FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School.
Start Date: August
Manufacturing, Construction & Transportation
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