MATC 2022-23 Catalog
Process to Share Complaints and Compliments The college’s formal process for students, alumni, community members, parents and sta ff to share a complaint or compliment is as follows: Step One: Complete the online form (available in English and in Spanish). Go to and search Compliments/Complaints . (Complaints must be fi led within 30 days of occurrence.) Step Two: You will receive an automated response that the complaint or compliment has been received and is under review. Step Three: Upon conclusion, and after investigating the nature of the complaint/compliment, the appropriate MATC sta ff will respond in writing within 10 college business days. The response will include: • A written description of the complaint/compliment, including all pertinent details This o ffi ce o ff ers an alternate channel for students to informally raise and address college-related concerns, issues or con fl icts in a con fi dential, independent, safe and nonbiased space. The ombudsperson (or ombuds) serves as a resource for students by o ff ering o ff -the-record conversations for those seeking advice and guidance on options and resolution strategies regarding their situations. The ombuds will not make decisions for students, but rather will equip, coach and empower students to make their own decisions and/or advocate on their own behalf. Communication with this o ffi ce does not put MATC on notice. Find more information at and search ombuds . The o ffi ce can be contacted via the inquiry form on the webpage, by calling 414-297-6294 or by emailing (please be aware that email is not a secure or con fi dential method of communication). The ombuds o ffi ce is not part of any formal process at the college and does not replace or circumvent any existing channels at the college, such as fi ling a formal complaint. The ombuds’ intent is to supplement these channels by o ff ering another viable option for problem solving. The ombuds is impartial and does not advocate for or represent any individual, group or the college, but advocates for fairness, respect and equality. • A statement regarding action taken Of fi ce of the Ombudsperson
Student Newspaper Interested in photography, art and design, advertising or writing? Check out the college’s student newspaper, MATC Times. Email . Student Development Events These programs and events present information you can apply to life on campus, as well as your overall personal development. For a schedule of events, see . Student Enrichment and Diversity Programs Working with campus student organizations, the O ffi ce of Student Life brings together students from a broad range of ethnic and cultural groups. This o ffi ce plans, implements and coordinates social and cultural extracurricular events, including student entertainment programs, in collaboration with student organizations. For a schedule, see . Student Honor Societies Information on eligibility requirements for membership in various honor recognition programs is available through the O ffi ce of Student Life. Ceremonies recognizing scholastic achievement are conducted by this o ffi ce during the year. Visit and search Honor Societies . Student Resource Center The MATC Student Resource Center connects students to campus and community resources to help them overcome barriers that interfere with their academic success. It is home to the Dreamkeepers emergency fi nancial assistance grant, which provides assistance to students at risk of dropping out due to unexpected fi nancial emergencies. Students can apply for the grant at (eligibility required). The Student Resource Center is located at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus in the S Building, Room S215. For information on hours and services, call 414 297-6199 or email . At , search Student Resource Center .
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