MATC 2021-22 Catalog

Deferments for Course Fees or Books As a student receiving federal fi nancial aid, you may be eligible for a deferment. This could cover the cost of books, fees, required uniforms or tools until your funds are available. You’ll need approval from the Financial Aid o ffi ce, and will sign a promissory note agreeing to pay these costs by a set date. A processed federal Student Aid Report is necessary for this option. Prerequisites Prerequisites are previous courses you need to have taken for success in a class. You’ll need to complete the required prerequisites for a class before enrolling. Prerequisite courses are listed with the course description on Contact your advisor or the instructor of the course you wish to enroll in if you have any questions about prerequisites. This should be done before you enroll in the course. Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct The O ffi ce of Student Life updates and distributes the MATC Student Handbook, which includes the Student Code of Conduct. MATC may impose disciplinary sanctions for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Violations may include, but are not limited to, the following situations: • Conduct that damages or destroys college property, or attempts to damage or destroy college property • Failure to comply with federal, state, county and municipal laws or ordinances while participating in MATC activities or while present on MATC property • Conduct that obstructs or impairs, or attempts to obstruct or impair, MATC’s authorized activities, whether inside or outside a classroom, o ffi ce, lecture hall, library, laboratory, auditorium, student center, or other place where an MATC-authorized activity is being held • Conduct that endangers the safety or welfare of students, instructors, administrators, sta ff or visitors • Unauthorized possession of college property or property of another member of the college community • Making a false statement, either verbally or in writing, to any MATC employee or agent on an MATC related matter • Conduct that engages in racial, religious, national origin, age, sexual or handicap harassment • Acts of academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes cheating, collaborating with another without the approval of the instructor, plagiarizing, stealing the work of another, falsifying records of work and assisting another student in any of the above. Students judged to have violated the Student Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with due process procedures described in the Student Code of Conduct booklet provided by the O ffi ce of Judicial A ff airs. The Student Code of Conduct is the de fi nitive document on student conduct and the judicial system. See or call 414-297-8177 . MATC Student Records Information Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) MATC complies with FERPA, which exists to: • Let students know what educational records are kept by the college • Give them the right to inspect those records and ask for corrections if necessary • Control the release of such information to those who are not involved in the educational process Under FERPA, directory information is made available to anyone who requests it unless you speci fi cally request otherwise. MATC considers directory information to be only the following: name; major fi eld of study; dates of attendance; full-time/part-time status; degrees, technical diplomas or certi fi cates awarded; and participation in o ffi cially recognized activities and sports. MATC will not provide information regarding time and location of a student’s classes, and does not provide student or instructor home addresses and/or telephone numbers. Personally identi fi able information in your education record will not be released or disclosed unless you consent to it. However, one exception is disclosure to school o ffi cials with legitimate educational interests. This typically means an o ffi cial needs to review an education record to ful fi ll his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the college discloses education records without consent to o ffi cials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. FERPA allows the release of education records without the consent of the student or parents to authorized representatives of the state attorney general’s o ffi ce for law enforcement purposes. FERPA permits disclosure to an alleged victim of either a crime of violence or of a nonforcible sex o ff ense the fi nal results of any disciplinary action taken against an alleged perpetrator. For more information related to educational records or the release of your records, please call 414-297-6824 .

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