MATC 2021-22 Catalog
Academic Support Centers and Tutoring Services Academic Support Centers (ASC) are open to all MATC students, and include assistance in computer applications, course assignments, online use, math, science, social sciences, study skills, writing and tutoring services. For more information, visit and search MATC ASC . • Communications Center sta ff provide assistance in online work and in business courses related to communications • Computer Production Center sta ff o ff er assistance in using a computer for course assignments • Math Center sta ff provide assistance in all math levels • Science Center sta ff o ff er assistance in science and Healthcare Pathway courses, use of computerized instructional resources and internet use • Writing Center sta ff o ff er assistance in course- related written assignments and projects, résumé writing and research papers. Online writing help is available – visit and search MATC Online Tutoring . Tutoring is free to all MATC college students. Services include walk-in tutoring, group tutoring, in-class tutoring and online tutoring. Tutoring is o ff ered based on the needs of students and tutor availability. MATC Libraries The libraries provide an array of resources and services, including great spaces to study. Services are available at all four campus libraries, and available virtually via the Ask a Librarian service at . The Ask a Librarian service is also available by texting 414-937-5379.
Supported Courses MATC believes you can succeed in college — regardless of your ACT, high school grade-point average or your passing GED score. We will help provide the right academic support. When you start at MATC, you’ll be registered in college-level courses with extra supports if you need them. The college will review your previous academic records to see if you may need help such as extra hours of instruction, tutoring, homework help or lab work. Student Accommodation Services Student Accommodation Services (SAS) ensures that students with disabilities have equal opportunities and access to all courses, programs and activities o ff ered at MATC. Prospective students with disabilities should contact Transition Services at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus, 414-297-7839 or visit and search SAS for more information. Veterans Services (Military Education Support Of fi ce – MESO) We proudly recognize recipients of the GI Bill If you plan to take advantage of federal or state military educational bene fi ts, paperwork should be submitted prior to the start of each semester. We handle all certifying and processing of educational bene fi ts at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus. For e ffi ciency, please contact the proper o ffi ce – all military service, veterans and dependents educational bene fi ts are processed in the MESO O ffi ce only. Keep in mind you may be eligible for other types of fi nancial aid in addition to VA bene fi ts. Also remember MATC o ff ers eligible student veterans and current military service members priority registration for each term in keeping with state law. Contact the MESO School Certifying O ffi cial (SCO) at 414-297-8363 , or email . Of fi ce of Bilingual Education This o ffi ce aids bilingual students seeking guidance in completing their college education. For more information about these services call 414-297-8882 . Also see page 313. Academic Advising After you’re admitted, an MATC Academic Pathway Advisor is one of your fi rst contacts to help you start your journey to your diploma or degree. An Academic Pathway Advisor will help you determine what classes you should take fi rst and explain more about your program of study.
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