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Washguard ® Motors Washdown Duty Brakemotors White Epoxy Painted




Washguard Brakemotors - TENV/TEFC - C Face With Base



Brake Rating (ft lbs)

App. Wgt. (lbs)

F. L. Amps @ 230 V

“C” Dim. (Inches) Y Notes

NEMA Frame

Catalog Number 116466.00 116467.00 116468.00 116469.00 119486.00 121616.00 122193.00 G121617.00 122195.00 G121618.00

List Price Model Number

% F.L. Eff.

Service Factor




1/3 1800 56C 3 1/2 1800 56C 3 3/4 1800 56C 6 1 1800 56C 6 1 1800 56HC 6 1 1800 143TC 6 1 1800 143TC 6 1 1⁄2 1800 145TC 10 1 1/2 1800 145TC 10 2 1800 145TC 10 2 1800 145TC 10

C/A 1,459 C6T17VK28 √ 1,488 C6T17VK30 √ 1,765 C6T17VK29 D 1,824 C6T17VK27 √ 1,915 C6T17WK47 D 1,824 C143T17VK7

40 208-230/460 1.3 42 208-230/460 1.8 44 208-230/460 2.5 48 208-230/460 3.2 53 208-230/460 3.2 49 208-230/460 3.2

72.0 78.5 80.0 80.0 85.5 80.0 85.5 84.0 86.5 84.0 86.5

1.15 14.00 S, US, 12 1.15 14.50 S, US, 12 1.15 15.00 S, US, 12 1.15 15.50 S, US, 12 1.15 17.50 S, US, 13 1.15 16.06 S, US, 12 1.15 17.50 S, US, 13 1.15 19.01 S, US, 13 1.15 18.50 S, US, 13 1.15 19.01 S, US, 13 1.15 19.00 S, US, 13

Agricultural Duty Motors

√ 1,933 C143T17WK14 53 208-230/460 3.2 D 2,528 C145T17WK22 50 208-230/460 4.4 √ 2,636 C145T17WK55 55 208-230/460 4.8 D 2,622 C145T17WK21 62 208-230/460 5.6 C/A 2,716 C145T17WK56 67 208-230/460 5.8

HVAC / Fan



Green items are Premium Efficient D - Item to be discontinued once inventory is depleted C/A - Check Availability

Y Note listing on inside back flap Specifications are subject to change without notice

Note 12 - TENV Note 13 - TEFC

Special Voltage


Washguard Brakemotors - TENV/TEFC - C Face Less Base


Brake Rating (ft lbs)

App. Wgt. (lbs)

F. L. Amps @ 230 V

“C” Dim. (Inches) Y Notes

NEMA Frame

Catalog Number 116462.00 116463.00 116464.00 119485.00 122192.00 121614.00 122194.00 122196.00

List Price Model Number

% F.L. Eff.

Service Factor




1/3 1800 56C 3 1/2 1800 56C 3 3/4 1800 56C 6 1 1800 56C 6 1 1800 143TC 6 1 1⁄2 1800 145TC 10 1 1⁄2 1800 145TC 10 2 1800 145TC 10

√ 1,408 C6T17VC43 √ 1,443 C6T17VC42 √ 1,717 C6T17VC44 √ 1,893 C6T17WC54 √ 1,906 C143T17VC9

39 208-230/460 1.3 41 208-230/460 1.8 43 208-230/460 2.5 50 208-230/460 3.2 52 208-230/460 3.2

72.0 78.5 80.0 85.5 85.5 78.5 86.5 86.5

1.15 14.00 S, US, 12 1.15 14.50 S, US, 12 1.15 15.00 S, US, 12 1.15 15.50 S, US, 13 1.15 17.50 S, US, 13 1.15 18.01 S, US, 13 1.15 18.50 S, US, 13 1.15 19.00 S, US, 13

Definite Purpose Motors Brake Motors IEC Motors DC Motors

D 2,464 C145T17WC20 49 208-230/460 5.0 √ 2,603 C145T17WC44 55 208-230/460 4.8 √ 2,670 C145T17WC45 65 208-230/460 5.8

Green items are Premium Efficient D - Item to be discontinued once inventory is depleted

Y Note listing on inside back flap Specifications are subject to change without notice

Note 12 - TENV Note 13 - TEFC


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