Land and Wheels Cat 342
Ordering desks 800-558-5554
24 hour FAX 414-355-4090
5% on orders of $100.00 to $199.99. 10% on orders of $200.00 to $299.99. Price breaks are on orders of the same item, to the same destination. No mix and match or split ship. **Customer must ask for discount.** 15% on orders of $300.00 to $499.99. 20% on orders of $500.00 to $749.99. 25% on orders of $750.00 to $999.99. Will quote for orders over $1000.00.
Plate/Stem Size 2- 3/8 x 3- 5/8 " 2- 3/8 x 3- 5/8 " 2- 3/8 x 3- 5/8 " 2- 3/8 x 3- 5/8 " 3- 1/8 x 4- 1/8 " 3- 1/8 x 4- 1/8 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 "
Wheel Material Soft Rbbr Soft Rbbr Hrd Rbbr Hrd Rbbr Hrd Rbbr Hrd Rbbr Soft Rbbr Hrd Rbbr Hrd Rbbr
Whl Dia.
S wivel R adius 4-1/2" Rigid 4-1/2" Rigid 4-1/2" Rigid Rigid 4-1/2" Rigid
Mntg Hght 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4" 7-1/4"
Wt. Cap 220 220 300 300 300 300 220 300 300
Brng Type Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain
S wivel
Tread Width 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4"
F inish
B rake
Plate Mtg
W heel Color Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black
Price Break .
74X156071P3 74X166071P3 74X156061P3 74X166061P3 74X156061P6 74X166061P6 74X166071P8 74X156061P8 74X166061P8
6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6"
21.96 20.96 22.96 20.96 19.96 23.96 22.96 23.96 23.96
P3 P3 P3 P3 P6 P6 P8 P8 P8
Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes No
Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc
None None None None None None None None None
1- 3/4 x 2- 7/8 " - 3" 1- 3/4 x 2- 7/8 " - 3" 1- 3/4 x 2- 7/8 " - 3" 1- 3/4 x 2- 7/8 " - 3" 2-3/8 x 3-7/16" 2-3/8 x 3-7/16" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "- 3 x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "- 3 x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "- 3 x 3"
Swivel casters in this section are available with brake. Add -B at the end of the item number. Ask for price (with brake)
Price Break .
Whl Dia.
Brng Type Plain Plain Plain
Stem Size
Stem Type
Mntg Hght
S wivel
Swivel R adius 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2"
Tread Width 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4"
Wheel Material
W heel Color Black Black Black
Wt. C ap 220 220 220
B rake
F inish
74T156071T8 74T156071T9 74R156071R7
6" 6" 6"
T8 T9 R7
5/8-18 x 1-3/4" 3/4-10 x 1-3/4" .865"dia. x 2- 3/16 "
7-1/16" 7-1/16" 7-1/16"
18.96 28.96 24.96
Yes Yes Yes
None None None
Zinc Zinc Zinc
T hreaded T hreaded Round
Soft R ubbr Soft R ubbr Soft R ubbr
C74-069 Swivel casters in this section are available with brake. Add -B at the end of the item number. Ask for price (with brake)
Wheel Material P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin
Plate/Stem Size 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " 3- 3/4 x 4- 1/2 " Plate/Stem Size 4- 1/2 x 6- 1/2 " 4- 1/2 x 6- 1/2 " 4- 1/2 x 6- 1/2 " 4- 1/2 x 6- 1/2 "
Whl Dia.
Swivel Radius 3-9/16" Rigid 3-9/16" Rigid 4-5/16" Rigid 5-1/16" Rigid 5-1/16" Rigid 6-1/2" Rigid
Mntg Hght 5-5/8" 5-5/8" 5-5/8" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 7-1/2" 7-1/2" 7-1/2" 7-1/2" 9-1/2" 9-1/2"
Wt. Cap 500 500 500 550 650 650 600 600 700 700 800 800
S wivel
Tread Width 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 2" 1-1/2"
Brng Type Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Brg. Type Plain Plain Plain Plain
B rake
F inish
W heel Color Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black
Plate Mtg
Price Break .
2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3" 2- 5/8 x 3- 5/8 "-3x 3"
20.96 17.96 30.96 24.96 26.96 16.96 22.96 22.96 32.96 18.96 34.96 20.96
4" 4" 4" 5" 5" 5" 6" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8"
P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8 P8
74X174011P8 74X184011P8 74X204011P8 74X185011P8 74X205011P8 74X215011P8 74X176011P8 74X186011P8 74X206011P8 74X216011P8 74X208011P8 74X218011P8
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
None None None* None None* None None None None* None None* None
Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc
2" 2"
1-1/2" 1-1/2"
* Swivel casters with this note are available with brake. Add -B at the end of the
2" 2" 2" 2"
item number. Ask for price.
Plate Mounting
Wheel Material P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin P olyolefin
Whl Dia.
Mntg Hght
S wivel R adius Rigid Rigid 6-3/8" Rigid
Wt. C ap 500 650 800 800
T read W idth
W heel Color Black Black Black Black
B rake
F inish
Price Break .
2- 7/16 x 4- 15/16 " - 3- 3/8 x 5- 1/4 " 2- 7/16 x 4- 15/16 " - 3- 3/8 x 5- 1/4 " 2- 7/16 x 4- 15/16 " - 3- 3/8 x 5- 1/4 " 2- 7/16 x 4- 15/16 " - 3- 3/8 x 5- 1/4 "
74X314011PA 74X315011PA 74X308011PA 74X318011PA
4" 5" 8" 8"
15.96 22.96 47.96 27.96
5-5/8" 6-1/2"
None None None* None
Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc
2" 2" 2" 2"
10-1/8" 10-1/8"
* Swivel casters with this note are available with brake. Add -B at the end of the item number. Ask for price (with brake)
We sell many common brands of casters used on equipment in your facilty. If you do not see the caster you need, please provide make, model and serial number of the equipment, or send a sample, and we should be able to find a compatable match.
If you fax an order, or request a quote from us: Orders and quotations can be processed most quickly if our item numbers are used. Our fax number is 414-355-4090. What is your fax number? Or order on line at
10-06-004 10-06-020
Looking for an item, but can't find what you need? Please provide make,model, and serial # or send us your broken sample. We will try to get you what you need.
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