Ingrams July 2023


by Damon Anderson

The Role of Culture in Rapid Growth

A five-time CR100 winner walks you through his company’s formula for success. Company culture is vital in shaping an organization’s success and overall well-being. At its core, there’s nothing complicated about company culture—but there is something transformation al and impactful. At Tallgrass Freight Co., we’ve seen how strong culture attracts strong talent, enhances employee retention, and promotes a positive brand. In today’s competitive business landscape, cultivating a strong company culture is not just a bonus but a strategic imperative for long-term success. Bringing Culture to Life. When I started Tallgrass, I never set out with a strategic plan for company culture. I just had the mentality that I would treat people how I wanted to be treated. From a leadership perspective, my style has never been one of giving marching orders. In my own world, I knew I never reacted that well to being told what to do! So the best way I knew to approach leadership was to make sure we felt like we were all in this together. When everybody’s content and feels like they belong, there’s no need to rule with an iron fist. Strong, positive company culture creates a sense of belonging, fosters employee engagement, and drives productivity. It’s been a priceless investment for us, and we’ve seen steep, consistent growth as a result. If you get everybody feeling wanted, valued, and like they’re part of something bigger than themselves, it makes it a lot easier to get them all to pull in the same direction. But how do you get there? We invest in getting to know them through regular personal conversations and staying attuned during business interactions. Recognizing when something is happening in their personal lives is important in showing we value them beyond their work contributions. Sending gifts, cards, congratulations, and condolences are all part of our culture, and these little things make a big impact in showing people how much they’re valued. We also host frequent company events to celebrate the com munity we’ve built. In addition, every quarter, we hold State of the Union meetings as an opportunity to unite as a team and further our connections. Another way to create a sense of community is through re wards programs. We are all about building a lively company culture that supports and cheers each other toward greater suc- cess. To that end, our team enjoys travel incentives to celebrate achievements. Both award-winning back-office team members and freight agents are celebrated at our annual sales trip. We offer flexible, open-ended rewards, allowing agents to use them to build the experiences they desire. Supporting the Culture. A stellar back-office support team is one of the most crucial keys to success for team members. We diligently work to provide them with tools and resources to thrive, from billing assistance and help with invoices to technical support and everything in between—and it is all a testament to the culture we’ve established since day one. We also place special emphasis on continued growth. The on boarding and training opportunities for team members are part of an investment in company culture. Twice a year, we hold an Agent Roundtable event in Kansas City to help freight agents

and employees come together and deve lop both personally and professionally. When it comes to supporting a team, incorporating a family-oriented culture has been our intuitive approach. We re spect that everyone on our team is about so much more than their job. Not only do we take action to support our Tall grass family at work, we also think about their family at home. Because of this, we’ve innovated a healthy work-life balance, work-from-anywhere flexibility and family fun events for team members and their families. Has a strong company culture helped propel us to new heights? Absolutely. But in my experience, it’s also about finding joy and fun in your work. We spend half our waking life at work, and good company culture makes that work worthwhile. The Role of Empowerment. When you have a strong company culture, mar keting that culture can make a world of difference in building brand reputation and in recruitment efforts. By effectively communicating the company’s culture, you get to attract individuals who align with the company’s values. In recruiting our own freight agents, we’ve seen how that strong reputation has made an impact. In addition, marketing relates closely to the company’s overall reputation. A positive company reputation attracts and retains top talent, enhances employee morale, builds trust and credibility, and supports business growth. It sets the stage for a positive and productive work environment, fostering a strong com- pany culture that aligns with the org anization’s values and goals. From the Top Down. Successful leadership requires dedicated, driven in- dividuals who collaborate, treat each other with respect, and share a goal of uplifting the company culture. They go the extra mile to be accessible and av ailable for all team members. No mat- ter how big we grow, we remain com mitted to focusing on culture as a center piece to our success. We cannot predict or control the future of our business, but with a strong company culture, we can be sure our employees and freight agents will be willing to tackle any challenge that comes before us.

Damon Anderson is the CEO for Tallgrass Freight

in Overland Park. P | 913.721.0079 E | damon@


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July 2023

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