Ingram’s February 2023

percent of nurses responding said they were being burdened with tasks like cleaning units, securing supplies and clerical duties. If there’s a bright spot for health care executives in the leadership role, it’s that they have a stronger revenue base to draw on in the battle for talent. The largest hospitals in the Kansas City region collectively brought in $18.5 billion in 2012 revenues, the equivalent of about $24 billion in this inflationary era. But overall revenues for those same 30 institutions have more than doubled that real-dollar figure, which hit $53 billion in 2021 and is likely to go even higher once the books are closed on 2022. Another saving grace for hospital staffing has been the use of telemed technologies and a huge surge in outpatient visits over the past decade. The latter have gone from roughly 4.5 million in 2012 to nearly 6.4 mil lion in 2021—an increase of nearly 41 percent.

The Changing Hospital Scene Heath-care revenues have exploded over the past 10 years as hospital admissions have surged in the Kansas City market. But at the region’s biggest hospitals, growth in numbers of physicians, hospital employees—and especially nurses—has not kept pace.



PHYSICIANS 2012: 8,606 2021: 10,079 s 17.12 %


2012: 257,060 2021: 328,783 s 27.90 %

2012: 40,670 2021: 48,196 s 18.51 %

2012: 11,637 2021: 13,237 s 13.76 %

leaving within the next year.

She and her peers will need to cling

The latter was a reflection of in- creased job stresss. The Journal of General Internal Medicine, in fact, con ducted a study that showed health-care workers were nearly as trauma-tized by COVID as U.S. service person-nel in combat zones since September 2001.” The stress on hospitals, hasn’t been driven solely by patient-care demands— a Hospital IQ survey showed that 43

tight to that approach.

Elsevier Health, an academic pub- lishing division of a Dutch conglo merate, has done deep research that shows that nearly half of those the U.S. health-care work force—47 per cent—plan to leave their positions by 2025. Even more alarming, 90 percent of nurses responding to a November 2021 survey said they were considering

Congratulations to Amy Castillo CEO & Executive Director Ability KC Ability KC is thankful for Amy and all the ‘Heroes in Healthcare’ building brighter futures in our community


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February 2023

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