Ingram's June 2022


“… at the Old Ball Game” 40 Under Forty awards get back to business with burgers, brews and baseball.

they hoisted a few adult bever ages and then they settled in to watch the Kansas City Monarchs roll over the RedHawks of Fargo Moorhead, North Dakota, 6-1. This year’s class—the 24th— brings to 960 the number of Kansas City-area business exec utives who have been recog nized as 40 Under Forty hon orees. That makes next year’s class a milestone group—it will bring the total program alumni count to an even 1,000. We encourage folks to nominate can didates for Ingram’s 40 Under Forty at

of their moment in the sun by the pandemic and its restrictions on large-scale gatherings over the past two years and change. May 19 produced a warm, sunny afternoon that drew hon orees, family, friends and co workers to western Wyandotte County for the first 40 Under Forty celebration gathering since 2019, and the first time this recognition event had been held outdoors. They reconnected with ac quaintances not often seen dur- ing the past 2½ years, they forged new connections with honorees,

It was, in the vernacular of sports broadcasting, a beautiful day for baseball—but also for getting a few hundred friends together to celebrate the 2022 Class of Ingram’s 40 Under Forty. And what better venue than dur ing a springtime evening with baseball as a backdrop? To that end, Monarchs Stad ium in Kansas City, Kan., was the setting to toast members of this year’s 40 Under Forty. And not just those honorees: also on hand were some of their peers from 2020 and 2021. Those two classes had been cheated out




I n g r a m ’ s

June 2022

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