Ingram’s January 2023

2023 • Executive of the Year: C-Suite Awards

there was never a plan for higher levels, and there still isn’t.” Through a friend from southeast Kan sas, Poe eventually encountered fast-food magnate Gene Bicknell, who had found ed National Pizza Co., the nation’s largest Pizza Hut franchisee, in Pittsburg. At the time, Bicknell also owned Pitt Plastics, Inc., and he brought Poe on board there as president in 2005. The move represented exponential growth in responsibilities over Waechters bach—“everything came with zero behind it; people was an extra zero, revenue was an extra zero,” he says—but Bicknell was “easy to fall in love with and hard to say no to. As it turned out, going to Pittsburg was like going back to Kirksville,” also a univer sity town. In corporate finance, size does matter, and at Pitt Plastics, “I couldn’t manage any longer by knowing everyone; it became more about setting strategic direction, monitoring KPIs and trusting the great people that we employed. I was always struggling to get to know as many people as possible,” Poe says. After Bicknell sold Pitt Plastics, Poe was able to act on a long-held desire to teach, landing on the faculty at Pittsburg State for several years. But he remained in the Bicknell family orbit, so when Bick nell’s son, Marty, was shopping for finan cial acumen for his growing wealth-adviso ry firm, Poe signed up in 2017. He’s helping a national advisory exe cute a vigorous acquisition strategy—near ly 10 firms alone in 2022. Poe’s role is to help raise capital for those transactions, so he’s been … busy. “I’ve always been impressed that Mar ty wants us to hire the best people we can attract,” Poe says. “We have great people throughout the firm, including the ac counting and finance teams. It’s our asso ciates that make it possible for us to con tinue to grow and provide great service to our clients and I just keep learning from them.” Through the opportunities he’s had over his career, “I’ve always had the reali zation that somebody else got things to the point that I got to come in,” Poe says. “My goal is always to leave things better than I found them. In the second half my career, my greatest joy has been watching others develop, and I hope to have some influence on that development.”

Jeff Poe , Chief Financial Officer, Mariner Wealth Advisors

J eff Poe learned about the value of busi ness networking at a venue that has almost completely vanished from the American landscape: The drug-store soda fountain. This one was set in his home town of Kirksville, Mo., and the pharma cy—his father’s—was also his first em ployer, where the 14-year-old Poe knocked down the regal sum of $3.35 an hour for janitorial services. That soda-fountain counter was a popu lar gathering spot for local business figures. “They knewwho my family was, they knew who I was, and in a very good way, some one was always watching,” he says. “They were leaders of my Boy Scout troop, went to the same church. They helped teach me about responsibility and the value of being committed to something long-term.” That commitment would eventually take form as a finance expert who now serves as chief financial officer for Mariner Wealth Advisors, the fast-growing Over land Park firm with over $100 billion of assets under advisement, and counting. The long path to Mariner started in college at Northeast Missouri State, now Truman State University. Influential sci ence teachers in high school had inspired him to study biology for two years, but before his junior year, he took a summer

job with an asbestos-removal company. “I was intrigued by the business aspects of this—how was it that I was getting paid, how they were getting paid, how they were getting contracts,” Poe says. The first semester of his junior year, he threw himself into finance-track classes. “I was intrigued by the time value of money, “I’ve always had the realiza tion that somebody else got things to the point that I got to come in.” supply and demand, marginal utility,” he says, “and there was a path for me to finish on time, even though I started late.” He followed that degree up with a Master of Accountancy, took a role with Ernst & Young before settling with a Ger man-owned ceramic tableware company called Waechtersbach as controller. It didn’t take long for him to move further up the executive ranks and become president. “The small company nature of Waech tersbach provided a lot of opportunities for me, and I was exposed to everything,” Poe says. “I think I always felt I wanted to be in the room where decisions were made, but


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January 2023

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