Independent Ag Equipment
Tandem Discs Built to handle trash and incorporate heavy residue, utilizing a one of a kind floating hitch, Versatile tandem discs leave a more level finish when compared to competitive units. All Versatile disc gangs are torqued to an unparalleled 3200 ft-lb of torque. Steel fab- ricated spools are built to withstand heavy shock loads and prevent gangs from slipping. Versatile discs are also built using the best bearings in the industry, so you stay in the field until the job is done.
Offset Discs Versatile offset discs are available in three weight classes ranging from 550 lb/ft to 1050 lb/ft. Designed to be stronger and last longer, Versatile discs feature extreme duty bearings and optional interlocking ½ spools and the industry’s strongest and tightest gangs with steel fabricated spools torque to an impres- sive 3200 ft-lb.
Cultivators & Chisel Plows Versatile cultivators, chisel plows, and chis- el cultivators feature a full floating hitch to maintain a constant working depth. Avail- able with trip force of 350, 550, 600 and 650 lb and in working widths from 23 ft 6 in. to 60 ft, there is a Versatile cultivator to meet the needs of every operation.
The RT490 is a new 490 hp Class VIII combine from Versatile. True to the heritage of Versatile, the RT490 was designed to be rugged, reliable and simple to maintain and service. Rotating Concave Rotary The RT490 separtates itself from traditional ro- tary combines by utilizing a Rotating Concave Rotary system (RCR). A 360 degree concave counter rotates the rotor at 8 rpm. The moving concave eliminates the traditional “dead zone” found in typical rotary systems. • Steady operation in high humidity or when processing tangled crop • Prevention of inclined chamber clogging • Self-cleaning concave • Prevents straw from building up in the concave • Improved crop feeding for threshing • More active threshing and separation • Reduced grain shattering • Minimum number of adjustments for harvesting various crops • Inclined beater chamber levels and uniformly spreads the mass arriving at the rotor • Rotating concave provides high-quality threshing over the entire rotor surface • Continuously variable drive ensures best threshing parameters for each crop
22 | INDEPENDENT AG EQUIPMENT PRODUCT CATALOG | PA: 800-345-3546 | OH: 800-848-8460 | IN: 888-563-1988 |
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