Idea File Fall 2023
in Middle School CREATIVITY in Middle Scho I nspiring C
A GGSVHMRK XS +ISVKI 0ERHƅW WXYH] of creativity, “young children are creative geniuses and become less creative as they age.” That’s great news for those of us who advise middle school yearbook programs. ;MXL SRI JSSX WXMPP ƼVQP] VSSXIH in childhood and the other just stepping into the adult world, our middle school students might be that much closer to their native genius – even if their brains are remodeling. Here’s what I know about helping our middle schoolers become more creative: 1. 'VIEXMZMX] HSIW RSX SGGYV MR a straight line. Creativity often comes from trial and error, so teach your staff to be unafraid of exploration and discovery. In my classroom, we begin every project with an exploration mindset. For example: In August, most of us talk about theme. Don’t rush the process. Take the time to discover. Try multiple versions, talk it to death, ƼRH XLI SRI XLEX JIIPW VMKLX F] ƼRHMRK XLI SRIW XLEX JIIP [VSRK ERH then get everybody on board. It may feel arduous, but that early work will TE] SJJ FMK MR XLI ƼREP TVSHYGX 2. )QFVEGI XLI GLESW In my experience, yearbook does not lend itself to straight rows and handouts. When my students are invested and most creative, they come and go, talk to people and each other and move a million miles an hour in different directions. Being an adviser pushes you outside your comfort zone. My advice? Lean MRXS ƽI\MFMPMX] 9WI ]SYV WXYHIRXWƅ engagement as a guide to what works best, and don’t be afraid to let it get a little messy. We start each class with a staff meeting. The length of the meeting depends on the need. Sometimes it’s a whole staff meeting with a mini-lesson or going over a punch list, sometimes we’ll split into student-led team meetings, and sometimes it’s only announcements. Regardless of the format, these meetings give a foundation of instruction and share vision. After that, I turn them loose and the real fun begins. 3. Great work requires GSQQMXQIRX Don’t be afraid to ask your staff to step up and work hard. How great they feel at the end of the project will equal the effort XLI] KEZI +MZI XLIQ STTSVXYRMXMIW to experience excellence. Once you
4MGO ERH GLSSWI )MKLXL KVEHIV )PPE )RKIP GSRWMHIVW [LMGL QEKE^MRI QMKLX FIWX LIPT LIV ƼRH inspiration for her design project. Using a draft style model, students drew numbers to see who KSX XS GLSSWI ƼVWX 8LI] YWIH E ZEVMIX] SJ QEKE^MRIW JSV HIWMKR MRWTMVEXMSR Photo courtesy of Laurel Wicke
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